Marie has chosen the theme this week at MMM.
I used the shape of a house, overlaid this with a Christmas tree background paper from Kubivet which I reduced in opacity. I painted a blue background behind the house to give a demarcation between house and sky whilst keeping the tree background as part of the sky.
I added the vintage family, reduced opacity, then duplicated the layer and blended the layers using colour burn, to get a good deep, warm yellow highlight and bronze contrasts.
The heart is meant to represent the heart of a home, so the heart was layer blended using Difference and then moving it into the blue sky zone.
Finally I added my quote using Fonts : Actionis, BahiaScript, Burtons Nightmare and Almonte Snow. I chose the colour for the fonts by using the colour picker tool to pick up the shades of red/brown in the vintage photo.
To complete the look I gave a slight drop shadow to the text and a much larger one to the house to bring it away from the sky. And that's it.