I had to think about this one for a little while, and then I thought about a pocket full of memories of my youth, so here it.
Credit to Tracy Did It, Sassy Imagination, Designs by Kelly, HBFIC and Bad Girlz Stuff (all from the Funkadelic Freebies Blogtrain). Thank you ladies. The pocket is courtesy of Emacinne at Stockxchnge.
Thanks Bev for the theme.
Thanks for looking.
Now you're showing your age aren't you! That takes me back too - to the days of Woodstock although I must admit I went to sleep during a showing of the film probably due to staying up all night the night before or being stoned or both! Those were certainly the days...........
Ali xx
Thanks for the trip down memory lane :) Great piece.
Yes, you are giving yourself away, Taluula! Did you really have a pair of those round, rose coloured glasses?
I love your take on the theme with a bulging retro yellow pocket just bulging with great memories.
I think we shared the same youth…
I loved my rose color tinted glasses.
Those were the days…
Great artwork full of wonderful memories.
ah - a misspent youth perhaps or was it just the perfect education? Great take on the theme.
Wonderful idea! Your pocket is overflowing with memories.
This is far out, groovy and I totally dig it! Or in today's vernacular - It ROCKS! LOL Fabulous memories, Ann! Hugs, Terri xoxo
PS I didn't have time to do an entry this week, but had to see what you were up to! What a treat!
Love, love LOVE your yellow pocket, Ann! All you need now is a VW bus with the peace symbol painted on the side! This has to be seen in close-up to be truly appreciated. Wonderful!
Brilliant Ann,love it!!
Love the images you used for this piece, Ann! Beautiful work!
sigh...days of my youth too. i had a peace sign, rose colored glasses and used the term "dig it" a lot. wonderful take on the challenge, love the bright colors.
This pocket is full of fun and memories- beautiful thoughtful collage!
Wow, Ann, you sure have had a colourful youth! I must say, that many of your memories look very familiar to me, too. Your collage is wonderfully energetic and joyful, lovely piece!
I just missed all the 'fun' by leaving in 1969 for a tiny island in Micronesia to teach ESL. However, these iconic images are very familiar. Great pocketful of memories, Taluula!
Ah, flower power generation, Ann, love the bright colours & originality & how it relates to you - excellent!
if we are going to San Francisco my pocket would be loaded with.... you've got it down to a T.
those were the days.. full of lovely memories.
What a brilliant flower power pocket!! love the colours and all the fun elements!!
Great idea and wonderful image Ann!
Love your pocket full of memories! Cheers!
Beautiful piece!!
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