Sunday, 4 March 2012


This week Marie has chosen MASCULINE as our word for inspiration and usually at this point I get a little twinkle in my eye and create something quirky.  This week, however, I was in a different kind of mood entirely and wanted to just play in Photoshop.

So starting with a greyscale image of John Lennon I found on the web, I extracted him from the background, increased the brightness by around 50% to remove detail and to increase the light within his face, added contrast by around 10% for clarity before experimenting in colour variations until I created this lovely purple blue.  Finally, I  added a sharpen edges filter to lift and highlight and accentuate his bone structure and his signature round rimmed glasses.  Ta daa!

Thank you for looking.


Sim said...

Yeah! Beautiful work indeed dear friend!
You're such a sweet love to give us your secrets.... I'm not sure to know how to do this kind of work with a french ware... But, promise, I'll try! Thank you hun!

Ana Cristina Caldatto said...

você passou excelente dica do que fez!

Jayne said...

John looks FAB Ann!
Defo a good piece of wall art!!

Jayne :-)

Glenys said...

Without a doubt one of your best.... I just adore the man and have done so for many years...appreciate the sensitivity of your art, Ann...what more can I say??

indybev said...

We can only hope you take time to "play" in Photoshop more often, Ann. This is an amazing bit of Photoshop magic. I'm standing to applaud!!

Lori Saul said...

A wonderful play with light and contrasts- a handsome portrait!

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

This is stunning. It feels like he's really looking at us. Beautiful work, Ann.

Judy said...

I agree with Bev, Ann, it certainly is Photoshop Magic made all the more special by the Yorkshire Magician herself!! What a fab rendition of John!

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a play in photoshop, it is a great edit.

Bill said...

Fantastic work! I love the color you ended up with.

Ozstuff said...

I'm glad that you were just "playing around in Photoshop" because you have given us a superb piece, Ann. It's thoughtful and beautifully and lovingly tweaked. Wonderful work.

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Terrific choice! Great photoshopping. Sure wish I was listening to his music right now.

Linda Gibbons said...

gorgeous portrait!

Junibears said...

The finished result of your work is awesome. A gorgeous portrait! xx

Bertie said...

It's a wonderful portrait!

Yvonne said...

Gorgeous piece, Ann!

AJ Blanton said...

It is wonderful!

Deann said...

Very cool Ann don't you just love messing around with Photoshop I just think it is amazing...well done!

vintage wil said...

Really beautiful man!!!!

Connie said...

Is a walrus masculine? The ones I've seen certainly are . . . "I Am The Walrus"