When I thought about how I might interpret this theme, I immediately saw in my quirky and deviant little mind an image of an exploding timepiece, so that is what I created. So here is SPRING TIME!
Credit to Irene Alexeeva, Efie, ArtyDecayStock whilst the numbers and springs are my own.
Thank you for looking.
What can you say about time.........it's either too fast or too slow ; (
I like what you came up with! Cheers!
Totally cool Ann,love your idea!!
Spring Time! HA! What a very, very clever play on words. Great piece, Ann.
Hah! Springtime indeed! I love the way your mind works, Ann, even though I have never quite understood HOW. This is delicious and a fantastic take on the subject of time. Actually, for an old gal like me, it would be nice to lob a grenade at all the clocks in the world and make time standstill. As if.
Another outstanding piece, Ann! Love the pun AND your interpretation of the theme. Bravo! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Only you, Ann, would come up with a springy-sprung time piece like this one! It's clever and downright brilliant! LynnF
Wow Ann this is facinating.
Wonderful play with time. Big applause.
Like the take on words-and the execution!
What a great interpretation of the theme! I'm sure we all feel sometimes that the time is exploding - or we may even wish that it would do so. I like the composition of your piece very much, and (as always) it is very skillfully made. Thanks for the great theme!
I thought maybe Mabel had thrown her alarm clock across the room then at a closer look I see it's a pocket watch, Ann, but I do know it's a masterpiece of surrealism!!!!
Les heures qui s'enfuient.... quelle bonne illustration du temps qui passe (trop vite )!
Bonne journée!
Amicalement Mary.KG
what a wonderful sample again!! and my first thought was "the hours are escaping me"... that´s what i often feel...
this is wonderful...what a great piece... and lovin the springs
Wonderful, it looks great, how the numbers (hours) are falling down... Running away.
Oh Ann, I nearly forgot to comment here because you were the one posting.
Your out of the box mind and pieces always are a delight, and this one is no exception, LOVE your take on Spring time!!
Thanks for the challenge. I hope it is okay I didn't do digital. Great Atc you made
Ann, I love how your clock has sprung open and burst upon the world. Great piece!
What a great idea, Ann! I really wish I could explode some of my own perceptions about time, yes, that would be great! ~Sharon
Great play on words - love this! Brilliant art work - cheers!
It's absolutly fantastic. I love your work very much : bravo and thank you for this challenge
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