As you can see the Muses are 'giddy' with excitement ....... just look at those hats ...... and wanted to send you this little card to say A BIG THANK YOU.
Credit to Valerie Brincheck for the Muses, Tammara at Pixel Music for two of the hats, whilst one hat and the text was created by me. The font is Mary Jane Tankard.
Thank you for looking
Gorgeous, Ann!
You've never looked lovlier, Ann!!! LOL! Seriously, Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and many blessings for all of the joy your site has brought to so many. May you celebrate many more!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox
thank YOU for always providing such great challenges! your card is great!
I always smile when I see us in Three Muses Mode. We look so coy! I doubt if any of us could look coy if we tried!!
What a great card to celebrate the birthday. I love it!! I love the hats and ESPECIALLY the fantastic and original alpha. Wow!
Fantastic, its so vibrant
Oh, Ann, what a perfect card for this birthday week! You've chosen just the perfect hat for each of us. What a wardrobe lady!!
oh how sweet of you!!! this is wonderful and the thanks is for putting on some fun challenges and meeting so many wonderful new friends!!!
Great card Ann and you have alot to celebrate with this wonderful challenge site- I enjoy taking part so much!
Hi Ann! Happy Birthday and a great big hug for being here as our Muse! BTW, your hat is delightful! I so enjoy the challenges this blog provides...and all the wonderful comments by those who visit my blog...makes my heart feel good! I love you Three Muses!!! LynnF
A perfect card and a great reason to celebrate! Best wishes, Sharon
Nice and Thanks 4 letting a "male" in ; )
Fabulous card, Ann, to celebrate the Muses first year! You three haven't aged a bit!!!!!
Oh wow Ann this is amazing.
Wonderfully work. Love it.
This is so sweet and beautiful card. I want to thank you for hosting the Three Muses Challenge. As I told in your Challenge blog, I really enjoy your challenges and always waiting for Wednesday :))
Love those hats - missed them last visit!
That is so fabulous!!! I love it! Suits the 3 of you very well! XO Katie
Thanks for all the fun!
Juno's Place
Cards by Carol
Thank YOU - our Three Muses :) for such wonderful place and very inspiring challenges :)
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