Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Three Muses - Challenge 8 - Inspirational People

Marie is hosting the theme at the Three Muses this week and she has chosen Inspirational People. Thanks Marie.

Well I think you may have guessed that my inspirational person was Salvador Dali.

Credit to Bowling Robot and Artsyfartsyqueen (both from Flickr), Clix from Stockxchnge and Irene Alexeeva. Other bits and pieces are my own.



Ivo Serenthà said...

Congratulations to your space and photos, I encourage you to photoblog,

Greetings from Italy


AliMayes said...

You are so clever - I love the unzipped Dali and all the different elements in this!
Ali xx

Judy said...

Wow, Ann, now I know who inspires you in your art!!!
(So far removed from my L S Lowry!!) Fantastic creation!

indybev said...

My first thought was "Well, I don't know who it was who inspired Ann, but he's obviously been dead a while!" I, too, love Salvador and his surreal art, Ann. This is a wondrous tribute to him! Kudos to you.

DMG said...

What an amazing tribute to the esteemed Mr. Dali! His work is a source of endless fascination to me as is yours, sweetie. Seriously, this is a masterpiece and you are one talented lady.

LW said...


Great piece…clever ideas.
The unzipped Dali is ingenious.


Martina said...

Wow, the touch of Dali! Fantastic creation, Ann. I'm sure Dali would love this too :)

Yvonne said...

Wow, very, very creative!

Psst, my mystery man is Elvis singing Blue Moon.

Terri Kahrs said...

Love your tribute to Dali, Ann! The "unzipped" graphic is pure genius, and he'd LOVED it! So nice to see your inspiration translated! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Lori Saul said...

Wonderful representation of Dali, beautifully composed! Fantastic!

Ozstuff said...

I am having problems with my Internet Explorer versus the blogs. I distinctly remember typing a comment on your wonderful Dali piece but it isn't there. I think I said something like "it looks like Senor Dali has flipped his lid - in the nicest possible way, of course. Great Daliesque creativity, Ann. Your picture is delicious.

Eila A said...

Ann, you have really creeped into Salvador's skin (can one say like this in English?)! Your version of Dalian art is awesome - creepy and hilarious. Great artwork!

Rosie said...

I LOVE this tribute to Dali! Lucky for me I chose DH... and thanks for the lovely comments - much appreciated.
I think it's fantastic how sincere some of the posts for this week have been - really heartfelt, IYKWIM!

Rhonda said...

Fabulous, I just keep finding more and more in this piece. Cheers!

Luisa Migon said...

Totally surreal!!! Dalí would like your work, Ann!!! Very, very much!!!

~*~Magpie's Nest said...

Fabulous choice Taluula, Great collage!!! Love him peeking out of the skull eye!
Thank you for your sweet comment on my Mr Magpie arch!

peggy gatto said...

Now this blows me away, love it!!!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wow, this looks great, Ann!

Betty said...

Very creative,love your tribute.

Jayne said...

This is fantastic Ann,love the zipper!!Mr Dali certainly is an inspiration, one of my fav artists.

DMG said...

Oh! Since you are one of MY inspirational people, I have something for you on my blog.


Jean said...

Taluula, Dali is one of my favorites also. Great work of art! Love Dali peeking out of the skulls eye.

"MOI" Freubel said...

There is so much to see on this piece Ann.
Magnificent that skull and that little hand in the corner !!
And that zipper !!
I think that Salvador was happy when he could see your entry !!
By the way..thank you for your message on !!
It felt so good reading you overthere !

Rosanna said...

Wonderfully surreal and very clever and creative. Stunning.

LivArtNow said...

Brilliant!! love your Dali tribute!! He was marvellous and inspirational!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so cool!