Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Marie has chosen TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY for this week's theme at the Three Muses, so I thought I would take the opportunity to wish you all the compliments of the season. So a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all my friends.
Thanks Marie for a great theme.
Credit goes to Pillowgirl, Irene Alexeeva, Anti Social Designs and Happy Scrap Designs.
Thank you for looking.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Marie (aka Ozstuff) has asked me to guest host this week for the Take A Word challenge and the word she has chosen is CELEBRATE. At this time of the year CELEBRATE might bring the holiday season to mind but when I found this template of a man jumping for joy I knew the direction I wanted to take. So here he is celebrating for all he is worth and in front of an audience too.
Credit to Sailor and Lula, NumbBum, Kubivet and Efie.
Thank you for a inspirational word Marie.
Thanks all for looking.
Credit to Sailor and Lula, NumbBum, Kubivet and Efie.
Thank you for a inspirational word Marie.
Thanks all for looking.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Have you seen this couple? Masters of disguise and known by a number of aliases they have recently been linked to a number of petty crimes such as cupcake stealing and illicit cider making activities and the authorities are very keen to speak to them. If you have seen this very odd couple or have any information about their whereabouts please contact Taluula and leave a message in the comments section below.
Yes, it's my turn to host at the Three Muses and I've chosen ODD COUPLE as my theme. :D
Credit goes to Dover for Grant Wood's painting whilst the other bits and pieces are courtesy of Efie's blogspot.
Thank you for looking.
Monday, 13 December 2010
CHILDHOOD is our word this week at Take a Word. That got me thinking about childhood and when I do that for some reason it makes me think of deep or dark images, of the the real meaning behind nursery rhymes for instance, or being frightened by clowns may be. I thought I might create a girl with her hands to her eyes (you know the one Judy) slowly counting to a hundred in a deep dark forest whilst her parents slip away. Mmmmm ... a tad too dark do you think? Yes, me too so in the end I went for a fairytale childhood : soft, dreamy and slightly out of focus. :D
Credit goes to CAJoline, PlayingWithBrushes and Sailor and Lula.
Thanks for another great thought provoking word Marie.
Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
It's Bev's turn to host at the Three Muses and this week she has chosen FLOWERS as her theme.
A really interesting theme Bev, and this is my interpretation.
Credit to Efie for the flowers, eye and masks, everything else is from my own photographs .... in fact when I photographed this model, I had to make a hasty exit from the shop before the owner had time to eject me. Ahh my poor long suffering family!
Thank you for looking.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
This week's word at Take a Word is MAIL and that got me thinking about the type of mail that might have been sent out in years gone by. And that reminded me of young Harold who once posted a letter (very much like this one) to Santa asking if he might have a pair of long trousers and a train set for Christmas. I never did find out if his request was successful ..... but I do hope it was.
Thanks for another great word Marie.
Credit to Digital Sextant and NumbBum for the figures and the background. I made the postage stamps out of bits of dis n dat which were Googled.
Thank you for looking.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
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Jayne (aka Peppapig) and I have a little ATC swap going each month and just recently this has developed into an ATC and Mail Swap. |
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This was the envelope I sent to Jayne for November. |
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and the ATC Jayne found inside. |
Thank you for looking.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
This week at the Three Muses Marie has chosen WORLD OF MOVIES as her theme ..... and here is my interpretation on her theme. For me it had to be Charlie Chaplin of course and the iconic image of Modern Times which for me says it all. So here we are with my entry this week.
Thanks Marie for another great challenge.
Credit for images : all images are either copyright free or are my own photos.
Thank you for looking.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
It's week five of Marie's new challenge TAKE A WORD and her word for this week is HOME.
That got me thinking about our weather here in the UK : freezing and icy with that unmistakable silence created by fat meandering snowflakes covering our world in a fresh white snowy blanket. Here is my HOME where the girl looks out on just such a snowy landscape.
I confess to adding the hand and the balloon but the mitigating circumstances are that my Muse made me do it!
Credit to CAJoline for the girl, the drapes and the landscape, Irene Alexeeva for the banister and NumbBum for the window frame and the balloon. The hand and floor are my own.
Thank you for looking.
That got me thinking about our weather here in the UK : freezing and icy with that unmistakable silence created by fat meandering snowflakes covering our world in a fresh white snowy blanket. Here is my HOME where the girl looks out on just such a snowy landscape.
I confess to adding the hand and the balloon but the mitigating circumstances are that my Muse made me do it!
Credit to CAJoline for the girl, the drapes and the landscape, Irene Alexeeva for the banister and NumbBum for the window frame and the balloon. The hand and floor are my own.
Thank you for looking.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
It is my turn to host at the Three Muses this week and I have chosen SHOES as my theme.
Here is my pair of dreamy ruby red slippers and I'm sure if I clicked my heels something wonderful would happen. Wow, just look at those heels!
Credit to Efies.blogspot.com for the elements whilst the backgrounds and keyboard are from my own stash.
Thanks for looking.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
June is hosting this week's Take A Word challenge and has chosen MEN as her word.
Now this got me thinking about Harold who has suffered from many illnesses in the medical dictionary and his poor long suffering wife Madge. Madge in exasperation calls his latest ailment cold but Harold argues in favour of flu. Mmmmmmm!
Any fellows out there who are thinking this is a classic case of sexism against the male of the species please accept my apologies if that is the impression I am giving ........ I only ask that you take a good long look at Harold before you condemn either Madge or myself.
I used figures from two separate pages of a book donated to the Free To Use section of Flickr by the very generous Digital Sextant. I made this little scenario then gave it some colour in Photoshop and added a comment from Madge using the font : Persimmon.
Thanks for a great word June.
Thanks all for looking.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
It's Bev who is hosting our challenge at the Three Muses this week and she's chosen VEHICLES as her theme.
As usual, I have no idea where this came from but it was insistent on being created and displayed and so who am I to argue ......... blame it on my Muse! Don't you just love the elderly couple enjoying their afternoon watching the world go by?
Credit to Efie for some of the elements whilst the rest were my own (including the background) and the elderly couple who I encountered in a roadside park in Southport in Lancashire.
Thanks Bev for a brilliant challenge.
Thank you all for looking.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Marie has chosen MOON for our word this week so I thought I'd better hop over to Nasa images and see what lovely moons were on offer over there. Mmmmmmm ...... this one took my fancy! Over to Honey Designs for the architecture, to Efie's blogspot for the ladder. I found the starry background and blended it with one of my own and then used a picture of a chess board to finish off my little moonlit night.
Loved your choice Marie.
Thanks all for looking.
This was the first piece of digital art I ever made. A pictorial memory of my family past and present.
Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Marie is our host at the Three Muses this week and she's chosen BLACKBIRD as her theme. That got me to thinking about Fred and Agnes, a couple of blackbirds who live in my neighbourhood who I noticed have been getting very friendly of late. I can't be sure but I think love is in the air ....... don't you?
Credit to JoesSistah, Honey Designs and Efie's blog.
Thanks Marie for a great challenge.
Thank you for looking.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Marie's word this week is ANGEL so here is mine : The Angel of the North a sculpture by Anthony Gormley here in the UK. Yes, I know ....... I always have to be different ..... but it's not me, it's my Muse!
Thanks Marie.
Thank you for looking.
Thanks Marie.
Thank you for looking.
Terri is hosting the Sunday Postcard Art challenge this week and she's chosen Hats n Crowns as her theme. So here is a bit of silliness from me. :D
The background is courtesy of Paree Erica.
Thank you for looking.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
There is nothing will lift my spirits faster than a few show tunes blasting out at a level of decibels that should come with a health and safety warning! So here is my interpretation of Lisa Minnelli singing Cabaret ..... so put down your knitting, the book and the broom..... time for a holiday .... life is a cabaret old chum ..
Credit to JoesSistah for the blended backgrounds. Fonts are Jaz let and Glitter Font.
Thank you for taking the time to look.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Marie has chosen TIME for the first word on her new challenge Take A Word. I had great fun making this.
Thanks Marie for a wonderful new challenge.
Credits to JoesSistah for the blended backgrounds, to MagicMarie for the quartered clock, PSD Designs for the hour glass (much altered), all other elements are in the public domain.
Thank you for looking.
Well, the waiting is almost over and first thing tomorrow Marie will give us our first WORD and ask us to get creative. Wooohooo can't wait.
See my sidebar for a link to Marie's exciting new challenge.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Bev has chosen HATS for her theme at the Muses this week and that got me thinking. Should it be a steampunk hat with goggles and a wing mirror, or may be a zetti hat, tall and stripey, a dunce's hat, a cowboy hat, a top hat, a bowler hat .......... mmmmmmmm ...... or may be something else!
Then I found this gorgeous creature and knew I should make a hat fit for a queen.
Thanks Bev, for a lovely challenge.
Credit to JoesSistah for the bakcgrounds (two blended together), Dover copyright free for the lovely lady, and Efies.blogspot for everything else.
Thank you so much for looking.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Have you heard there's a new challenge coming soon? It's called TAKE A WORD and will open on November 1.
Each week Marie (aka Ozstuff) will prompt us with just one WORD and the rest is up to us. All we have to do is have fun with our WORD. Yes, it really is that simple.
Eight days and counting ............
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Witches is the theme at Sunday Postcard this week. Here is a particularly ANGRY one who appears to have eaten something that hasn't totally agreed with her.
Credit to GWDesigns.
Thank you for looking.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Marie has chosen THINGS WITH WINGS for her theme at the Three Muses this week and that reminded me of my great new invention ........ well, I'm going to invent it one of these days. You know that feeling, when a day at the shops leaves you with hot, painful, swollen feet? Well, here's the answer boots for shopping in ....... the very best THINGS WITH WINGS.
Thanks Marie for a wonderful theme!
Credit goes to JoesSistah for the background and also to Efies.blogspot.com
Thanks for looking. :D
Monday, 4 October 2010
Sunday, 3 October 2010

Here is my butterfly for the BUTTERFLY PROJECT, which I made in ArtRage and then finished by hand and is now winging its way to Trudi at Two Dresses Studio
If you would like to know more about the project click on the button on my sidebar or visit Trudi's blog.
Thank you for looking.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Since Autumn has hit the UK hard this year I thought I would choose to echo that by giving Mona an overcoat and show her blown sidewise by the blustery winds and rain. Brrrrrrr!
I used Lumiscraps Autumn kit and made not only an ATC but also a matching envelope to carry it to Jayne.
I also had a little envelope swap going on with the Muses, so the same envelope was swapped with Marie and Bev.
Thank you for looking.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
I did a little mail art swap with June (aka Junibears) this past week and look at the goodies she sent me.
Not only a lovely decorated envelope but also a gorgeous card too.
Thank you so much June my friend.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Bev has chosen the theme of Victorian for this week's challenge at the Three Muses.
Victorian ........ mmmmm .... should I give Queen Victoria a steampunk makeover or may be I should do something with Victorian fashion! Finally, however, I settled on the great Victorian Gothic Novel, and what better one than Wuthering Heights by our very own Yorkshire lass Emily Bronte.
A couple of weeks ago I visited Haworth and the Parsonage where the Bronte sisters lived with their father Patrick and brother Branwell.
Emily, writing under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell, wrote Wuthering Heights from there, and just behind the church where her father Patrick was vicar is Haworth Moor and the scene where in Emily's imagination the drama unfolds between Heathcliff and Cathy. Mmmmmmm ...... one of my very most favourite novels EVER.
Thanks Bev for the inspiration.
Thank you for looking.
Monday, 27 September 2010
The church door at Haworth is from my own photograph collection.
Thanks for looking.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
It's Autumn colours at Sunday Postcard this week and so here is my interpretation. Kind of like walking into Autumn, I suppose! :D
The Lady is copyright free and is blended with one of my photographs taken in the rain forest of New Zealand.
Thank you for looking.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
It's Marie's turn to host the Three Muses challenge this week and she has chosen the theme of Decorated Art Envelope.
I had lots of fun with this one, especially when I found this shameless young lady taking a dip.
Credit to NumbBumm for the pin and staple, Sherrie JD for the reclining lady, A Crafter's Corner the scroll. The water and the sky are from my own collection.
Thanks Marie for a very enjoyable challenge.
Thanks for looking.
I made this for Nancy Baumiller's Collage Play With Crowabout challenge across at Flickr.
Here is the sheet Nancy provided this week for our inspiration.
Credits for the sheet :
Background/Room by: Nancy Baumiller
Bugs by: jack and cat curio
Bat/spider/framedspookygal/snake by: neefer
Quija piece by: Suzee Que
Deathly girl by: MrsInman
Crows by: MrsInman
Words-Halloween/TrickorTreat/Boo! by: Nancy Baumiller-created in Publisher
Blue Bottle by: Nancy Baumiller (PERSONAL USE ONLY)
Skully by: autumnsensation
All other images by: DigitalCollageImages
Here is the sheet Nancy provided this week for our inspiration.
Credits for the sheet :
Background/Room by: Nancy Baumiller
Bugs by: jack and cat curio
Bat/spider/framedspookygal/snake by: neefer
Quija piece by: Suzee Que
Deathly girl by: MrsInman
Crows by: MrsInman
Words-Halloween/TrickorTreat/Boo! by: Nancy Baumiller-created in Publisher
Blue Bottle by: Nancy Baumiller (PERSONAL USE ONLY)
Skully by: autumnsensation
All other images by: DigitalCollageImages
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