This week it's my turn to host the Three Muses challenge and the theme I've chosen is IN YOUR DREAMS.
The piece I've chosen as my sample illustrates part of a poem I love for the imagery it conjures in me. (Alas I don't know the author.)
Credit goes to June at Art Freebies, Playing with Brushes and Efie at her blogspot.
However, I was in two minds this week and couldn't resist a second attempt at IN YOUR DREAMS and so for my own enjoyment, and for the surreal artist inside me, I created a little dream landscape of my own. Is someone dreaming of a nice cup of tea? Mmmmmmm.

Credit for this one goes to Rian, Bisontine, Irene Alexeeva, Granny Art, and Efie. The hand belongs to my granddaughter which I snapped whilst she was snoozing in the sunshine.
The font is Prissy Frat Boy.
Thank you so much for looking.