Wednesday 1 August 2012


Across on Facebook there is a group of artists who are making art and then abandoning it in public places in the hope that whoever finds it will love their unexpected gift and might even use the attached email to let the artist know it has been found.

It's lovely to see pictures of  some of the art that is being abandoned and often I wish a small piece might be abandoned where I might find it.

Imagine my surprise and delight then when this lovely mail art package came through my letterbox this morning.  I knew immediately it was from Bev my fellow Muse as I had unashamedly hinted that she might consider abandoning something near my home for me to find.  Impossible, of course,  as she lives in the US and I live in the UK.  Undeterred Bev abandoned this mailart in the mail system and it found its way to me.  I found it abandoned in my letterbox.  :D

Thank you so much, my friend, you made my day.


  1. Wonderful!! What a lovely surprise, enjoy!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  2. I was invited to that FB-page but didn't understand exactly the meaning of it.
    Tried to translate it but got even more confused hehe.

  3. What a great, friendly gesture! Such a delight to receive in the mail!


Thank you.