Sunday 5 August 2012



This week Deann is our guest host at Take a Word and she has chosen MEMORIES as our word for inspiration.

After much consideration I thought family memories might be a way to go and I got out my box(es) of old family photos.

Here are some very happy memories of our children and grandchildren (now all grown up) our parents, grandparents and great grandparents.  I am so lucky, not only to have the memories but also the photographs to show them off.

Thanks, Deann.

Credit to Irene Alexeeva for the book and window frame, the clouds background is courtesy of Night Fate Stock (Deviantart) whilst the rest is my stock of family photographs.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Ann, this is a spectacular heritage piece! Just stunning!

  2. Oh, Ann, this is so wonderful!I just love the way you designed this. Yes, you are very lucky to have the pix. Brilliant job! xx

  3. What a unique way to display your family photos, Ann, love the grandchildren on the pages, brilliant piece!

  4. You are lucky indeed, I have very few photos of my parents and grandparents. This is very touchy and you sure have a lovely family.

  5. This is lovely ... I'm not very good at incorporating photographs of my family into my collages but I really like this.

  6. Such a wonderful interpretation Ann. It's really beautiful. Love how you've blended in all those wonderful people in your past! xx

  7. What an absolutely brilliant way to present family photos, Ann! I hope you will frame this and give it place of honor somewhere in your home!! Standing ovation from my corner. Take a BIG bow!

  8. What a superbly monumental artpiece! I can only imagine the work that has gone into it - not to mention your fantastic imagination to create a picture that is so beautifully done and so touching. A standing ovation from Oz, Ann.

  9. Congratulations on creating your link. You did it!

  10. Yes I believe Blackpool is now very 'sleazy' AND yes I did have a ruched swimsuit, too!

  11. Ann this is just a treasure...what a fabulous family portrait you should have it super sized...awesome artwork my friend!


Thank you.