Monday 20 June 2011


At the Three Muses this week Marie has asked us to be QUIRKY, WHIMSICAL OR HUMOROUS so here we go.

I have chosen to make an ATC  which I hope fits the criteria!!!!

Credit goes to Pixel Music (Tammara), who I hope is well as we haven't heard from her for such  a long time.    The background is one I made myself!

As you can see I am posting this early because as some of you already know I am without an internet connection ...... until 27 June. Will I cope?  Did I know I had an internet addiction?  Will my brother ban me from filching his wirelesss connection?  Will my little legs drop off from having to traipse (computer in hand) rain, hail or shine to my brother's house anyway?  Mmmmmmm!

Hopefully, I will be back Wednesday to add this to the Three Muses challenge and comment on some of your lovely work ... but in the meantime ta ta for now.


  1. I want a birdcage like that, very cool piece of whimsy!!
    Oh, gosh, I couldn't live without my internet connection, Ann, I turn into the most grumpiest person on earth if anything goes wrong with that or my iMac!!

  2. p.s. and its not a pleasant sight!!!

  3. Quirky, whimsical and humorous is what you bring us with regularity, Ann. This is your forte'. Beautifully done!

  4. LOVE it Ann! A caged lady... is that how you are feeling???
    Can you not go wi-fi and piggy-back off a neighbour's signal? (Always provided they've got unlimited downloads...)
    If all else fails, 'tis a mere 5 days away... *waves* xoxoxo

  5. Aah yes it is a sorry thing to be a slave to your art...I know the feeling...sitting around with your fingers twitching because you can't get on the computer...we're a sorry lot aren't we.
    Your ATC is only proves you can't keep a great artist down.

  6. Great entry and the fact that you had to schlep your puter to the brother's to enter it makes it that much more special.


  7. I absolutely love this Ann. What a wasp waist. She'd make a pretty topping for one of those crinoline cakes. And there she sits, spreading her wings atop a birdcage! xx

  8. I just love your artwork! Yes I did recieve my mail art package and really love it! Thank you again so much. I did write you an email but I think you have a "non-reply blogger" set up. Anyways....thank you also for the sweet comment on my art piece.

  9. Hi Taluula, the link to Marie's Freebies is no more available, I'm very sorry about that, I had to close 3 blogs due to some health problems and long absence. Wish you a happy and wonderful summer, love

  10. Your background is full of detailed interest, yet doesn't take away fromthe overall look of this piece. That is the deciding factor for me as to whether a background is working. Love the bands of soft color punctuated by light brights! ANd your angelic being with the birdcage skirt is a dream! Love the whole thing, the pin, its position, all of it.

  11. Fantastic! (I have had a virus over the past week and my head isn't too clear. Now my voice has disappeared - completely - and I even find myself needing to type one word comments but I don't know how that helps the throat).
    Great work. Sorry I'm late.


Thank you.