Monday 27 June 2011


This week Linda has chosen BEACH for our word for inspiration across at Take A Word, and that got me thinking about the postcard Florrie sent to Madge in 1952 when she had her week's holiday by the sea.

You should be able to read her message by enlarging the postcard but just in case here is what she wrote :

Dear Madge

Arrived safely and the room is nice.  Weather quite good as it's only rained twice.

Went on a pleasure boat yesterday but as the sea was quite rough I couldn't wait to get my feet back on dry land.

Anyway, having a lovely time and wish you were here.  Off for a fish and chip supper now but will see you on Monday.

Love Florrie


PS Don't forget to feed the cat.

Credit to Sailor and Lula, Beth Rimmer and the Public Domain.  The font is Handwriting - Dakota.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Hey, I know this guy! He sure likes to hang around the ladies! Great job on this fun piece.

  2. I've seen him before somewhere......! Gorgeous card. Love the postcard words. xx

  3. Thanks for the chuckle, Ann! Super postcard!

  4. Hardly the lifeguard of dreams! Thanks for the smiles! It's a fun card.

  5. I love the stories you come up with to illustrate your delightful pictures.
    I know our wimp lifeguard too :)

  6. Oh what fun, and I love the sepia! I wonder what that life guard is thinking?!

  7. This lifeguard is really getting around! Love your wonderful vintage piece and story Ann!

  8. Fantastico cartão postal,
    somos gratas por compartilhar a mesagem escrita no cartão postal!

    grande abraço

  9. Ann, I just read your comment at Judy's blog... about the saucy postcards you used to be able to buy.
    They still are !! Only know as a collectors item LOL. Nowadays you pay big bucks for big butts hihi.
    Love your entry by the way :)
    But that guy is a little bit to skinny for me.

    hugs Rian

  10. Dear Florrie takes to boats and water the way I do!! Some of us were meant to stay on dry land!!! LOL!!! Lovely piece, Ann! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  11. Whimsical and a great vintage take on visits to the seaside. The poor life guard looks as if the smallest wave would knock him over. Great work!

  12. When I saw your sepia card & the date, 1952, I burst into song - 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.....' thoughts of those English seaside scenes! Brilliant card, Ann, but I think he needs some wholesome Yorkshire fare to 'build' his body!!

  13. Love your beach postcard. I'm not sure that life guard has ever even been in the water though. Also, I think he's gay. :o) Sue

  14. This is great Ann I just love the vintage beach togs and to think they were made of wool too...ugh!
    Are you back online yet...being computerless is the pits!!!

  15. i hope this comment finally will go through...
    love your card so much, you really gave me a smile:)
    going to feet the cat now;)


Thank you.