Sunday 19 June 2011


Marie's word for inspiration this week is FANTASY and that reminded of the world cruise we took last year. There we were minding our own business when all of a sudden this mannequin just bobbed to the surface causing all kinds of mayhem on the ship!  Oh just a minute ..... I think that was a dream!

Credit to CryztalRain and Holliewood Studios at DeviantScrap.

A quick note to let you know that I am officially without internet until 27 June, so I'm begging, borrowing and stealing some wireless internet where ever I can BUT it will mean I am not able to comment as often as I would like.


  1. Is that your ship back there, Ann .... the one with the kangaroo aboard? No wonder the mannequin caused mayhem! Wonderful flight of fancy. Well done. (I hope you survive the week without your trust computer).

  2. Super fantastic fantasy piece, Ann! A week without your computer? What new hell is that?

  3. Oooooooh! I love this! And I love that little boat in the background!
    Hope you soon get your 'puter back.xx

  4. i never get disappointed when i come to your blog - another fantastic piece!
    fingers crossed for your pc connection... isn´t it weird we almost can´t live without anymore?

  5. A wonderful piece to match your wonderful dream!

  6. uauu sua imagem é um mundo imaginario que corre em nossas cabeças!

  7. Your choice of images and in combination with your fantasy is outstanding, unique and and a feast for the eyes Ann !!
    I have a tip for you while waiting on your puter....Hmmzzz..on second thoughts...
    no I don't tell it....there could be reading little children here.
    And Ann, I want to thank you also for your kind words regarding my mother's passing.
    I appreciated this very much! xxx

  8. My comment didn't post for you when I saw this the other day, boo on blogger! I love your image, your pieces always have a surreal feel and I'm so drawn to them. A very dreamlike fantasy that reminds me of a few dreams I've had. Love the kangaroo manning the boat. Fantastic image!
    Ps....I sure hope this posts this time!

  9. How fantastic, just a wonderful collage, great elements.

  10. Hey, I think I have had that dream too. Perhaps it is all about us being frustrated at not having had success in the modelling business and taking our ire out on the world. What does a supermodel have that we don't have?
    Seriously, I love your flight of fantasty, Ann. Great stuff.


Thank you.