Sunday 30 January 2011


This week Marie (aka Ozstuff) at Take a Word has chosen the word VINTAGE for our inspiration.

These ladies are wearing the fashion of 1899, the year my maternal Grandfather was born.

The ladies look to me as though they are deep in conversation so I'm wondering if they are discussing the big invention of that year - the humble paper clip!   By their expressions they might be wondering what all the fuss is about since Alexander Graham Bell had invented the much more useful status symbol the telephone 23 years earlier!

The ladies, found in the public domain, were coloured by me.

Another great word Marie.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Love your beautiful ladies Ann. They perfectly wear hat, "qui leur sied à merveile"!!
    Great colours.

  2. I love their expressions and brilliant coloring- wonderful vintage hues to match!

  3. What a trio of 'very proper English ladies,' Ann, beautifully painted! ( I have yet to master 'painting'!)

  4. I'm glad you explained that paper clip. I thought maybe her mother had pinned a note on her so she wouldn't get lost! Seriously, this is a beautiful piece, Ann, with a great job of adding color. Thanks for the accompanying history lesson!

  5. lovely. Is this another side of the three muses?! I love how many people tied in a bit of personal history too this week. :0)

  6. I'm not the most observant person in the world which is putting it mildly so, of course, I didn't notice the paper clip until I read Bev's comment (before I read yours). Ann, your attention to detail is one of the many things that make your artwork so outstanding. I love your ladies in their elegant hats and I am blown away by the colouring work which is sensational.

  7. A lovely image of the ladies, and the coloring is fantastic - I love the vintage hues!

  8. Fabulous! Love the rich, vintage colours you have chosen. The hats are terrific and the two on the right are looking a little skeptical at their friend with the paperclip on her collar - priceless. Cheers!

  9. Beautifully coloured Ann. I love the little quirky addition of the paper clip! xx

  10. The first thing I noticed was that paper clip!! What a lovely sense of humour you have. Imagine if those hats were still fashionable - we'd be constantly knocking them off going through doorways!! Bev's comment made me laugh so!

  11. Beautiful, Ann! I love the rich colors, they look like velvet. It took me a couple of looks to find the paper clip and then I laughed out loud. What a way to start the morning. Thanks!

  12. Hi Ann ~ I love how this is so gorgeous and colorful instead of good old vintage sepia tone...just fabulous I adore it!!

  13. I didn't spot the paperclip at first - hope it doesn't cause too much discomfort, or perhaps it is holdng her collar together!! Wonderful

  14. When I first saw this lovely creation, my first thought was "The Three Muses" perhaps???? LOL!!! Beautiful work, Ann! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  15. Ann, your way of thinking is truly creative - who else could have thought about paper clips as vintage! You have coloured the wonderful ladies very beautifully, and I love the way you have included the paper clip as well.

  16. Love your vintage ladies Ann,very colourful indeed!!
    Nice touch with the paper clip by the way lol!!
    Jayne :-)

  17. Your vintage ladies are GORGEOUS, Ann!

  18. Ture Vintage! Elegant, classy, feathers, hats... it is all there! I adore this image!

  19. What a fantastic trio, love the ladys and the colors. Great ctreation!
    Hugs Anja

  20. another beautiful piece my friend these are gorgeous vibrant vintage ladies
    also i just wanted to let you know i have a free shabby chic collage sheet for today only,its on my dezinaworld blog please feel free to pop by and grab it while its there.
    have a lovely day
    hugs June x

  21. Dear Ann, you're a digital collage witch. Only after reeding your text I noticed the paper clip. Clever girls, they knew we wouldn't live in the future without Bell's invention.

  22. I love you vintage. It is so beautiful.


Thank you.