Tuesday 25 January 2011


Mabel adored her new blue outfit and was sure she would be the belle of the ball so imagine her surprise when she saw that she had been upstaged by Madge! 

It's my turn to host at the Three Muses this week and I chose FASHION ....... did you guess?

Credit to Sherriejd, Ruby Blossom, Crafters Corner and Efie.  The snazzy blue number is from my own stash.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Can't wait to tell you how much i love your collage Ann !!! I have already used the lady with a pig in my "bestiaire" love also the artist. Your art work is at the same time attractive and "décalé", surrealist and so well done. Bravo Madame!!

  2. I think Madge, sans pants, would upstage anyone!! Thank goodness for her fashionable red handbag. Outrageous is the word for your two ladies. I love the intricacy of your design, Ann. Great work.

  3. You know, Madge will catch her death in this weather. However, the pig's collar/leash is a nice touch!! Great inspiration for this week Ann!! xo

  4. I want those pink boots and I don't even where pink. Poor Mable.

  5. Wow Ann this is truly amazing...what an awesome example picture it is wonderful...I love it!!! Is there a swap meet somewhere?

  6. You'll simply run out of words when you enlarge your image Ann !!
    There is so much to see.
    I also find it amazing how the stairs disappears in that round hole !!
    A Fancy entry my friend !! Bravoooooo

  7. Thank heavens for handbags and flower sprigs, else Madge would be downright shocking!! Your surreal approach always leaves me smiling, Ann. They're witty, and they're always meeticulously done! Bravo.

  8. Love the red purse and the pig just adds to the charm of the piece! Always fun to see what your fun imagination will produce! :)

  9. what would the "fashion police " say?????
    I say

  10. Didn't you mean "snazzy blue number from wardrobe," Ann? LOL
    You've got to enlarge to see the over the top details, love your quirky art!!

  11. Your art, Ann, has this wonderful quirky quality that never fails to surprise and delight me! What a fashion statement you just made! Awesome!

  12. Dear Ann, I've been out of the blogsphere for a while and just read the sad news. I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how hard these past weeks must have been for you... I'm so glad you still find time to be creative. And I just want you to know I'll be praying for you and your family.
    Love, hugs and blessings,

  13. Fantastic theme and fantastic example. Love the little pig.

  14. Just too fashionable, Ann! Love everything about this piece :)

  15. oh, and pigs can fly... beautiful collage, ann!

  16. I have to say this looks like a fun party!!!!

    I love all the details especially Madge's handbag and the winged pigs.

    Weird in a very wonderful way:)


  17. Clever work! I'm hoping to finally join in your weekly challenge game this week. wish me luck. ;>

  18. How could Mabel compete with someone dessed only in pig, magnificent bag and stockings? Not to mention the outrageous hair-slyle... That's you in your best.

  19. Quelle imagination ANN ! vos collages sont toujours si surprenants et drôles !
    Vos créations me font bien rire ! Bravo ! Amitiés Mary.KG

  20. It's fabulous! love the accessorized pig!! I think Madge may be a little chilly, though!

  21. Oh Dear! I see there is some drama over here! Nevermind! They both look nice!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  22. Dear Ann,
    I have just read a bit more of my blog and would like to extend my condolences to you. I hope you find strength in your art in this sad time.

    Best wishes,


  23. Fabulous fun and quite a visionary fashion sense Ann- love this!


Thank you.