Tuesday 20 July 2010


Marie (aka Ozstuff) has chosen MAIL ART for her theme this Wednesday at the Three Muses and as I have been wanting to try to make a mail art envelope for a while I thought I would take this opportunity, and so here is my interpretation on the theme.

I painted a background digitally and then layered this with a texture by Paree Erica.  I made stamps from some of my previous work (already credited appropriately on my blog), added airmail markings to the edges of the envelope and a mail stamp or two.  Finally I made the buildings myself and added the lovely fantasy bird created by Terri Kahrs.   The handwriting font is Mayfield.

Thank you for looking.


Terri Kahrs said...

Your altered envie is superb, Ann!!! Your Mona stamp is sooooo awesome. Wouldn't it be lovely if the post office actually made stamps with a sense of creativity and humor?!? Thanks, too, for giving my little birdie a wonderful setting. I can just imagine a lucky recipient finding this in a mailbox! Hugs, Teri xoxo

Ozstuff said...

Wow! Your envelope is amazing, Ann. The three stamps are little works of art in themselves. I can tell you had fun with this form of mail art as did I. Fantastic. Take a bow.

Sandy said...

Ann your envelope is stunning.
Brilliant design on it. Fantastic work.

Rosie said...

Look at Mona - with gum!! Ann, you have a wicked sense of humour!!

johanna said...

wonderful - esp. love the little bird and of course mona with her bubble gum!!

WrightStuff said...

These are all so cool. What a great challenge. The depth that your floor gives is such a great idea - we're falling into the envelope to find all the goodies inside!

http://truutske.blogspot.com said...

Whow...fantastic artmail enveloppe.
Love Mona with her bubblegum.
Wonderful artwerk.

Ellen said...

beautiful there is so much depth in it and so much to see.

Coffee Messiah said...

Worthy of the mail art gods!


Junibears said...

Brilliant! So much to see. Fantastic piece of art. xx

Judy said...

I cracked up when I saw the bubble blowing Mona, at last Mabel has achieved fame by being featured on a stamp. Ann your mail art is spectacular & funny of course, love it! More mail art challenges, I say!!

Willy said...

An amazing envelope, Ann. Great composition!

indybev said...

I love the beautiful blue tones of this piece, Ann. Your little houses are a unique and creative touch, and it's all to sigh for! Beautiful work!

Sharon said...

Gorgeous mail art, lucky the person to receive this envelope!

Re Teesha Moore, it was a wild ride! Thanks for looking.

Anonymous said...

I love that you made your own stamps. The Queen of England stamp is particularlly fun. Love that Union Jack crown!

Janine said...

Oh how lovely. How much I would ove it, to get mail like this...

SHAWN said...

I love this! the Mona Lisa blowing a bubble.--Fantastic!

Bill said...

I love your sense of humor! Great piece of mail art!

Lori Saul said...

This wonderful piece makes me smile big- what lovely use of beautiful imagery and your always great sense of perspective make for such a perfect piece Ann!

José said...

The idea of making stamps of your own work is great! I might want to steal this idea one day! :) Great entry!

Mónica Zúñiga said...

Beautiful work, I love everything about it! :)

Faye said...

Wonderful envelope, Ann. I would be so excited to see this in my mailbox.

Jester said...

Your creativity astounds me, Ann. This is such a clever idea and I love how you have made your envelope look 3D.

Sarah Feeney said...

Very cool mail art!

Unknown said...

oh I used to love those air mail envelopes!!! they were so cool with the stripes!!! this is a wonderful piece!!! lovely work!!!

Nan said...

This is great! Of course I too love Mona with a bubble but the little houses in the corner are intriguing!

mary.kg said...

Bonjour Ann! votre enveloppe de mail art me plait bien ! j'aime beaucoup le côté humoristique de vos créations ! bravo ! Amicalement Mary.KG

Unknown said...

Wish I could get this letter in my mailbox - beautiful!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Amazing mail art envelope creation!
Have a nice weekend,
hugs Anja

Marnie Blum said...

Love the background texture and the bird is a kick in the pants...too cute.

peggy gatto said...

Don't I wish I could buy these and use them!!!!!!!
untapped market for envelopes!!!!!!!!!!!

yasmindeboo said...

It fabulous. You have super ideas.