Wednesday 3 March 2010

Three Muses Challenge - Oh Man

Ha ha I had such great fun with this theme and here is my take on OH MAN. I would like you to meet Herbert who found he really could do two things at the same time.

Credit to Valerie Brincheck for Herbert, the WaterLO Project ladies for the background and the font is MV Boli.

Thank you for looking.


Heavens2Betsy said...

This is brilliant Taluula - really made me laugh!

Ozstuff said...

Ann, this is priceless. I just love how your mind works. I now have visions of the (ahem) unclothed man tossing dishes in to the dishwasher, discus style.
I am also in awe that you managed to do this while contending with downpours and lack of internet connection in the wilds of NZ. Great work.

Femmy said...

great fun to see it too!! Love it!!!

indybev said...

Incredible that a drenching walk in the woods did nothing to quell your marvelous puckish sense of humor! This one is worth many chuckles, my dear!

Judy said...

Great fun piece, Ann, so funny, reminds me of the nude male cyclist that was reported to the police for riding near Upper Hutt, went to court & he was let off!!

Sandy said...

Oh wow this is stunning.
Fantastic man.

SuviAnniina said...

Lol! This is great!

Rika said...

Great & fun take on the challenge!

Terri Kahrs said...

Hellooooo, Herbert!!! LOL! Awesome interpretation of the challenge, Ann. Thanks for starting my day with a good chuckle! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Silvia(Barnie) said...

:D Thanks for the smile on my face, great take on this theme.

Rhonda said...

My morning laugh! Hilarious! Thanks for this, Ann - cheers!

vintage wil said...

What a beautiful man!!!

Diane said...

Love this very creative piece :D

Daphne said...

what a man, what a man, what a lovly naked man ;)

VS said...

Tooooo Funnnnny Friend!!!! I love this one, it may be my fav as he is looking pretty fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

Terri said...

What a hoot! I love the sentiment and the image you created.

peggy gatto said...

thanks for the morning smile!!!!!!!!!!

Jayne said...

LOL Ann!! This is FAB,love it!! said...

Yes...I love this Man.
Great and fun artwork.

Janine said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, that is one of the most funniest pieces of art I have ever seen.
Just perfect!!!!!
It would make a great postcard.
Women worldwide would buy it.

Luisa Migon said...

I'm laughing till now!!! Great!!!

Nicecrane Designs said...

wowwwwww, watching this card so really fast is supberb,,,,,,,,and I am a man,,,,of course,,,,,,hahahahha,love the creativity,,,,,,,,congratulations

Anonymous said...

Herbert is the coolest - but does he do windows?

And if he does them in the buff, can he come over and do mine?

Silje said...

Love it! Just love it! Fun!!

Linda Ledbetter said...

Fantastic!!! Brilliant!!! LOVE it!!!!

Hermine said...


Rosie said...

One word: Hilarious! =)

Tumble Fish Studio said...

How fun! I just love the way you think. Wish that guy would come over and just do my dishes - I don't have a dishwasher. Brilliant!