Tuesday 24 November 2020


 Our theme at the Three Muses this week is FISH and that is very timely as that's exactly what I saw from my bedroom window (a week last Tuesday).  This particular fish was riding a bicycle and what's more he was singing Singing In the Rain as he splashed through the puddles.  I don't know where he was going or indeed where he had come from but there is he was!

Credit : MartaVanEck and the public domain.

Thank you for looking.


  1. He really makes me smile and I thank you a lot Ann!
    He is not only full of fun, but also surreal, expressive (for a fish :) and beautiful!
    You are always used to see wonders through your windows...
    I wonder where you are living
    Maybe the land of the limitless imagination and talented people?

  2. This is so fun and creative. Between you and Sim I am in Surreal Heaven...great job.

  3. Your work is always outstanding, but of late it's taken a turn for stupendous! This is wondrous fun!

  4. What a dramatic presentation. There in lies a story


  5. This is wonderful. I wish I had an inch of your creative talent. I always enjoy stopping by to see what you create.


Thank you.