Sunday 22 November 2020



Our theme at Take a Word this week is to create a SHADOW BOX.

Credit : TumblefishStudio, FinecraftedDesigns and the PublicDomain.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Wouaouh, your shadow-box is really magnificent dear Ann !!!
    These stripes have a stunning effect and I wonder how you did it!
    I like the communication between the characters through the windows.
    I like the interference of the hands that bring new objects.
    And every detail is jubilant.
    A wonder!
    (I had exactly the same glasses in the 80s, lost in the 2000s,too bad they are sold out :)

  2. This has to be your all-time most clever bit of art!! The work with the stripes alone is stupendous, the out-of-the-box hands are a unique touch, and the overall effect is magnificent. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO


Thank you.