Sunday 28 July 2013



We have PINK as our word for inspiration this week and that reminded me of what I saw from my window recently.  (Sometimes I'm not sure you believe I'm telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  But see ..  here is the proof.) 

I was taking the night air before closing my window and snuggling down into bed when who came by but a girl riding on a pink flamingo.  Perhaps her dress had got hitched a little too high when climbing onto the bird and she hadn't noticed and I was about to mention it when I saw she was staring intently at the moon and so I looked too.  And that's when she told me that sometimes on a pink midnight the moon can, if it wishes, morph itself into a giant vanilla ice cream and drip all over the earth!

It's possible she was telling me a tall story, but in any case I forgot to mention she was showing the whole world her stocking tops!

Thanks, Marie, for a brilliant theme.

Credit to FinecraftedDesign, MartaVanEck, Itkupilli and CaliDesigns.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Wow what a fabulous whimsey trip my dear...I love it...and as always I believe everything you tell me that's why I have such a great imagination.

  2. Fabulous flamingo ride! I wanna take a turn!

  3. This fabulous, fun and beautiful! I'm always amazed by what one can see by looking through the window...

  4. Hahaha! Your stories, true or not, are always fantastic my friend! :D
    About your artwork images, I wish to swap this beautiful one please!
    Choose one of mine if you'd like so.
    ( I scream, you scream, we all scream for an ice cream! :)

  5. I believe you, cos Yorkies don't tell porkies, do they Ann?
    What a crazy but magnificent piece of quirkiness, now I know that the drips on my drive every morning are actually ice-cream and not left by those pesky magpies!!

  6. i wish i had your imagination... the dripping moon... everything in this scene is incredibly fantastic! a masterpiece, again!

  7. Oh Ann I'm not quite sure I believe your story, but true or not you have made a wonderful piece, full of imagination.

  8. I saw this yesterday but struggled to find a comment to do this masterpiece justice. Of course your story is true, this is Blogland after all. A wonderful atmosphere in the background, sky and landscape, and the curtain with the stars - that would have been enough, and then we have the central flamingo and very nice fairy-lady - yes I'm speechless with admiration.

  9. this is so silly and fun, i absolutely love it!

  10. Your wonderful, weird and wacky imagination knows no bounds! This is hilarious and also hugely clever. I love it.

  11. Oh I so love this what a beautiful story and I am sure it happened!!!!

  12. This has such an elegance and air of funky sophistication- brilliant work!

  13. Thanks for this lovely story and the wonderful picture!!

  14. I love your imaginative artwork and stories.


Thank you.