Tuesday 4 December 2012



Probably sinister.  Definitely creepy.  My Muse made me do it! Hee hee.

Once upon a time there was a witch who was as beautiful as she was wicked.  She was so beautiful that everyone who looked upon her face was happy to do her bidding without question.  

She was said to love children (and so she did but mainly for their tender flavour which she found irresistible).  Mothers were encourage by the wicked witch to send their children to visit during the school holidays and they fell over themselves to obey her wishes.  

There was just one little flaw to the witch's beauty and that was the children could see right through it. They were able to see the wart covered green skin, foul breath, slimy teeth and wicked heart.

The witch knew this and so she instructed the parents to leave their children at the front door where they would be entertained until she arrived.

The children, however, knew the clown was employed for another reason which was to lure the children into the witch's den whilst she peered from the darkness ....... have you found her yet?

Credit to Pink Lotty (Deviantscrap) and Sharing Tubes .

Thank you for looking and taking the time to comment.


  1. So amazing and funny to see, the girl friends and the bear friends. Magnificent gothic arch.

  2. OK, I'll bite...what's behind Door #1??? This is so crisp and clear, Ann, and what great fun! Great work!

  3. Yep, a little creepy, but at least they each have some to hold onto. Fascinating pic!

  4. You do sinister so well, Ann, I suppose this all happens 'along the road from you!' Awesome arch and loved the challenge!

  5. Strange, surreal and beautiful Ann!
    It doesn't afraid me at all, I don't know why... ?
    It looks like an entertainment for children to me.
    But I can't deny the power and the perfect achievement of this image, dear friend!
    I love it very much!

  6. Utterly fantastic dear Ann! Maybe just a wee touch creepy but I love it. Those girls echoes by the teddies with their arms around each other. And you know how much I love teddies! i love everything about it! xx

  7. I've just gone back to have another look and only just found the creepy face in the background....Shivers.....xx

  8. Thanks for a great subject this week. I don't find your very interesting image frightening at all, and my teddies like it too.

  9. looking at the picture i was not scared, but reading your text ... oh my!!

  10. I have to agree with Johanna!! The picture is quite beautiful but the story? Oh my. A witch who lunches on small children? Heaven forbid. Still, your horror story is in keeping with the darkness of the fairy stories I grew up with (and was scarred by).
    Fabulous work, Ann
    PS - I am also a bit creeped out by the lady in the top right of your header. I have a persistent urge to twist her around so that her (ahem) derriere lines up with her face.

  11. Fantastic art and writing, Ann! Standing O from me!xx

  12. Interesting and colorful piece....who knows what lies behind that door !

  13. Gorgeous card! So beautifully created. Love it.

  14. That is mega cool, great piece, great story, great talent! I adore the soft cute teddies snuggling together, seems they can also see the witch for who she is. I love art with a story :)

  15. J'aime beaucoup le côté étrange et mystérieux de cette image !
    Bravo Bravo ! Ann !
    Amicalement Mary

  16. I see her, well done you have excelled. Cheers


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