Sunday 9 December 2012



I confess I have always hated sewing with a passion mainly because it requires a preciseness in measurement and cutting I haven't the patience for.  So when I saw SEWING was to be our theme at TAKE A WORD I wondered what I would be inspired to create.   

And then I thought about pin cushions.  In my mind's eye I saw a voodoo doll with pins of all kinds sticking from its little body and knew you would be shocked.  What about an old doll then with a fabric body, could I stick pins into that?  Even though I had a twinkle in my eye at the thought, I knew you would disapprove.  Mmmmmmm.   Pale and exhausted and devoid of inspiration suddenly I had a vision ....  of a finely toned torso ...... and then the rest was history.  Who wouldn't want to own such a pin cushion surely it would inspire even me to sew!

Thank you, Marie.

Credit mainly from free to use stock.



  1. Oh my word, Ann, you're right about that inspiring torso pin cushion! What a super piece of art. Congratulations on being published again in Digital Studio. You certainly deserve that honour and much more, in my mind. I am, yours truly, a BIG fan!xx

  2. Wonderful piece of art, love that quirky idea, it makes me smile.

  3. What a great pincusion, I never would have given up sewing... Seriously, it a wonderful composition!

  4. A voodoo doll with a difference!! Wonderful take on the "six pack" where your bricks outlines add much more to the "pack". A superb piece of thinking outside the frame. Funny and fabulous. Thanks so much for being our inspiration this week.

  5. Bravo you wild and crazy woman you...sometimes I think we were separated at birth but after reading your words I know it...needless to say I adore this!

  6. What a good vision dear Ann... A sexy pin cushion indeed!
    And so well done, as usual! (I should certainly have been the only one not to be shocked by a doll with pins into her fabric body... You know that, don't you? :))
    Bravo my friend!
    I'm really fan of your artwork!

  7. An absolute stunner, Ann! Your work has been getting better and better.

  8. Just brilliant Ann. Very well thought out and your usual precise execution.
    No i wouldn't want you to stick pins into my favourite doll! LOL! xx

  9. Awesome ! you're a Magritte ! congratulations

  10. Such a creative piece, Ann! I'm inspired to sew now :)

  11. that´s exactly the kind of pin cushion i was looking for all my life;) love it, really!
    thanks for your comment on my blog, ann:)

  12. As always, brilliant art. I think I would have liked the voodoo doll too :)

  13. Bravo pour votre imagination!
    Vos collages sont toujours si surprenants !
    encore bravo !

  14. A fantastic sample Ann, so inspiring and creatively made a unique digital collage.


Thank you.