Wednesday 13 June 2012


It's OUT OF BOUNDS this week at the Three Muses and here is what my muse thought of that.  Thanks, Bev, for a very good theme.

Credit to Bluesse

Thank you for looking.

Time to pop my head above the parapet me thinks and let you know how we are doing.  Trevor is gaining strength every day, doing great and looking so well you'd never know he had been ill at all!  Perhaps it was all those thoughtful and warm good wishes you sent us that did the trick, for which I thank you very, very much.  Me?  Well, if he ever scares me like that again, I'll box his ears.   :D


  1. This is wonderfully "out of bounds," Ann! It's good to see your art again.

  2. I'm so glad your muse is resurfacing, Ann! Sometimes a life crisis just shuts down the creative juices and it takes a bit for them to flow again. So glad Trevor's recovery sounds to be moving along well. Warm good thoughts are still coming your way!

  3. Ann, you've been through very tough times but, boy oh boy, it hasn't affected your artistic ability. I don't know how your mind works but I am just glad that it does - and in mysterious and wonderful ways. Your fish out of water playing a reversal of roles with the little girl in the bowl is such an original and stunning idea. Several very loud ovations coming your way!!

  4. YES!!! You're here dear Ann!
    I'm happy Trevor is okay! Ouf!
    Don't thank us to have been thinking of you, we just couldn't help us... :)
    Your OOB is wonderful as usual & it's so gooood!
    Your way of thinking is just stunning!

  5. So glad it's good news, Ann! Hooray! Great to have you back with us.
    Love your whimsical art!

  6. It's so good to have you back and I'm keeping you both in my prayers.
    This creation is fabulous it's definatly on my list which is sadly in arears...I can see you are suffering from talent back have returned better a more breathtaking then ever! TOTALLY AWESOME ARTWORK ANN!


Thank you.