Tuesday 1 May 2012

It's HATS AND CROWNS AND WINGS AND THINGS across at  the Three Muses this week.  Meet Mavis, who just cannot decide whether it should be a hat or a crown!

Credit to Finecrafted Design and Crowabout Studio B at Deviantscrap.

Thank you for looking.


  1. A fantastic Zetti style piece- she would look great in either!

  2. I would say go for the crown. It opens doors. Fantastic sample, Anne!

  3. Oh "T" you are the Zetti Master I love this...and I hope you're still speaking to me when this challenge is over.

  4. I feel dizzy!! Love that sloping floor and other optical illusions. I'd go with the hat! Fantastic. Thanks for the challenge, Ann.

  5. wow this collage is brilliant. Thank you for such a fab challenge. x

  6. The crown brings power, but this girl doesn't need anymore power, she's got the attitude, that's why she picked the hat, much more fun!
    What I most like in your work (besides the fun and beauty) is that it has your signature. I don't feel like I achieved this yet (getting to there :))

  7. Why, she'd look wonderful in either one! A zetti striped hat is always more festive, though. :O)

  8. I knew this was one of your marvelous works of art even before I had seen it in its entirety. I agree with Christine about your signature and, like her, wish I had my own. This is wonderful, Ann! Is your girl sweating honey--no wait, that must be her golden bangs!

  9. Your work always makes me smile . . . and I love to smile! Connie :)

  10. Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog. Hey, I know you want to follow . . . I can feel it in my bones. Come on .............................. now girl. have a great day, your devoted fan, Connie

  11. Delightful, I am sure she can wear them all and still look "elegant". Cheers

  12. Mavis is absolutely fantastic!....and I think she otta go with the crown!

  13. Another incredible unique art work, I'm absolutly your fan!
    Hugs Anja

  14. I would always choose the crown. LOL Love this!!!

  15. Hi Ann,
    I don't know if you're aware or not that you won my Anniversary blog altered art journal! I've been out of town, now I'm back and would love to get your book in the post to you.
    Email me please with your particulars.

  16. We miss you Ann!
    I hope from my heart all will be okay :)

  17. A hat or crown... whichever you always look wonderful. I hope things are looking up. Sending good thoughts.

  18. Your work always has a touch of magic in it that is something that makes it recognizable! Take care please!


Thank you.