Tuesday 10 April 2012


I bet when John William Waterhouse painted this beautiful lady he never thought she would swap her gentle boat on the river for a trip on a steampunk airship with all the  trimmings.  Ahhh, the magic of Photoshop!   :D

Our theme across at the Three Muses is STEAMPUNK this week and this is my interpretation.

Credit to Marta Van Eck, Finecrafted Designs, Beth Rimmer and Mr Whiskers.

Thank you for looking.


  1. She looks perfect - what an amazing and crafty work of steampunkerie Anne- love it!

  2. Way fun steampunk creation!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  3. Do I even need to say it...get out the list...super duper fantabulous...I love it!

  4. I ADORE your steampunkerie Ann!
    Great work & so beautiful image!!

  5. What a glorious punkmobile! Love the smoke ring exhaust, and who knew that was a Waterhouse? I didn't even recognize her. I do believe this is your very best ever, Ann. Standing O from me!

  6. I love this steampunk creation! It just goes to show that steampunk can be beautiful lol. Love that round glass effect that she looks like she is holding...I thought it was a magnifying glass at first.
    Dot x

  7. I had to look twice but I still don't recognize the muse of J.W.Waterhouse.
    Maybe I should borrow her punky glasses :-)
    Fantastic work Ann !!

  8. what a wonderful way to travel. love the smoke coming out of that funnel and the all seeing eye at the front.She'll go far. brilliant piece of steampunk

  9. A contradiction in terms but this is a very cool piece of steampunkerie! Wonderful piece of art, Ann. I love it.

  10. The interesting thing about this is that it reminds me of the hippie era! Very fun, Ann.

  11. "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the steampunk skies," Ann, spectacular collage!
    (NOW, I just hope I can get the anthem out of my head!!!)

  12. Ann she's even more at home here than she was cruising down the river. Just glorious my dear! xx

  13. Totally fabulous, Ann! Love the flag balloon!

  14. this is so very very cooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!! bravo!!!!!!!!

  15. I loved this as soon as I saw it. Fabulous artwork. Annette x


Thank you.