Sunday 8 April 2012


This week we are invited to create a SKINNY card for the Take a Word challenge and that reminded me of the other day when I heard music coming from my house as I came up the path with my shopping.  It sounded, for all the world,  as though there was some jazz jamming going on around my piano.  In my mind I saw trumpets and colour, cigarette smoke and happy dancers but ......... alas when I stepped through the door the piano lid was closed and the room was quiet.  Mmmmmmm I'll keep taking the tablets!

HAPPY EASTER one and all!

Credit to Finecrafted Designs.

Thank you for looking.


  1. I love your happy, jazzy "skinny" art piece, and the mysterious story behind it.

  2. A delightful flight of fancy, Ann. I love the atmosphere, and the riot of color. Bravo.

  3. Ann, this is fabulous - and I love the story behind it even if it was only in your head! I'm sure Louis would love his jacket of many colours. Superb.

  4. ♪♪ Oh what a wonderful world ! ♪♪
    (in your head too)
    Ann, it's SUPER !! And his colored jacket 'to die' for.

  5. You forgot to mention that, after the shopping you had a few 'drinks' to warm you up as you trudged home in the snow, ha, ha!!!
    THAT is why you were hearing things, Ann! Love your 'jazzy' skinny, my fave music, too!

  6. Maybe, only maybe, it wasn't the booze but some resident ghosts that decided to trick you a little bit to ward off boredom... It's très chic to have Louis Armstrong as guest even in ghostly form (love that suit!).

  7. Hoooo Ann, your skinny is totally great!
    So full of good ideas & so well done!!
    I'm on my bom about it & about the story behind!
    It's such a beautiful artwork & your mind is so imaginative...
    Louis home & dancing girls on the piano during you're out & then suddenly disappearing when you come in... wonderful story my dear! :)

  8. Great story Ann and love your skinny!

  9. It's a shame, isn't it; I would love to join them too! A fabulous skinny, Ann.

  10. Satchmo is the man and you have done him up proud this is fantastic Ann the color marbling is to die for...three cartwheels and a back flip...then some asprin!


  11. oh pleeeese, give me the prescription for these pills, too!!

  12. I enjoyed your story and your skinny. Twice the pleasure.


Thank you.