Tuesday 27 December 2011


A nice self indulgent little piece ALL ABOUT ME.  It's my turn to host at the Three Muses this week and I've invited artists to share a little something about themselves.  Mine is a journal page in which I have shared the fact that if I could have one wish I would wish that I could fly so that when I'm shopping my feet won't hurt.  Hee hee.

Credit to Crowabout Studio B, whilst the font is : Gingerbread House by Obsidian Dawn, oh and there's a little bit of painting and drawing by me.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Fabulous, I love it, great image and journaling. Tracy x

  2. Very cute, love it.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  3. To know you is to love you .....and your art!!!!

  4. It's not ALL about, but, yes, it's a little bit of you. I wish I could fly too, my feet hurt since I was a kid, imagine now! Your journal page is adorable, by the way...

  5. What a fun interpretation. Happy New Year

  6. You have out done yourself on you. Happy New Year

  7. This is a wonderfully fun collage! But I could have sworn you already have wings. It must be because of all that fairy dust you're always sprinkling around.

  8. Awesome. fantastic & fabulous rolled into one and I wish I could fly too wouldn't it be fun soaring over mountains & cities what a great dream. Happy New Year my dear your art gives us all wings!!!

  9. Yoy and bev could fly around together, Ann! I see you've had your lips 'done' since I saw you last!!!!! LOL! I won't burst your bubble, though!!
    This piece is so you, Ann, (where did you get your lovely feet from? 'Cos I want them too, along with perfect teeth!)

  10. I hope your wish comes true in 2012 --that and all your other wishes!

  11. Thank you for this prompt- I have missed the Three Muses and hope to join you all once a month (that is doable right?)in the new year. I am glad to see you have perfect, flying-feet-that-will-never-get-tired-when-you-shop.

  12. I hope you have the best New Year ever and thanks for the prompt...I am already looking forward to the next one~

    I like your art, by the way~


  13. I love all of the fun aspects of your collage and as you can see from mine, I have that "the-ideal-me-must-include-flying" note in mine too!

    Wishing you a beautiful New Year!!


  14. I know I saw this one, Ann, but I thought I had commented on it - obviously not.
    I love the whimsy, the colour and the great sense of humour of it all. Fabulous.


Thank you.