Sunday 25 December 2011


Our word for inspiration this week at Take A Word is PRINT and that reminded me of the strange little fairy tale I heard the other day.

ONCE UPON A TIME there was a wicked witch who lived in the forest by a little stream in a cottage made of sugar and spice.

The children were afraid of the witch because of her black pointy hat and her face which was the colour and texture of toad skin.

She was very ugly and very cruel but those little children just could not resist the thought of what that sugary house would taste like should they ever get the chance to stick their greedy little tongues on to those sweet walls.

The wicked witch knew that the children longed to taste the sweetness and so she opened up the garden gate and scattered sugared almonds along the path to entice those children into her grasp.
And before long the children began to move closer until ……..

Credit to Playing with Brushes and Dover samples.  Font : Apple Chancery.

 Thank you for looking.


  1. Awww! A cliff-hanger!! Are we going to see the next chapter? Very intriguing and beautifully crafted!

  2. Oh, you devil you, will we ever know what came after "until"??? This looks very much like the illustrations of Arthur Rackham. Is it? Anyway, it's a lovely page, and a real mystery!!

  3. I was hoping to continue the sentence BUT it is too hot here to think!!
    Beautiful piece, Ann, hope you had a great Christmas!

  4. I wanna hear the rest of the story...the illustrations are wonderful I love those beautiful old line drawing...this is really awesome Ann.

  5. oh, be sure i also would have been tempted by the almonds... so i think i should get the rest of the story, no?? ;)

  6. A lovely fairy tale Ann. I fear they'll come to sticky end!
    I love that illustration. I have the original book with that colour picture as the frontispiece by Arthur Rackham, from the forties. xx

  7. This is a wonderful, magical piece! Knowing your sense of humor, I'd really LOVE to see the next illustration in the story!

  8. Fabulous piece and the fairytale, Ann!

  9. That's a wonderful creation, looks great. I love fairytales :)

  10. So gorgeous, Ann. Love the background text.

  11. Such a beautiful card and written word...Excellent. Happy New Year. Hugs, Gayle.

  12. This is a beautiful interpretation of print.


Thank you.