Sunday 24 July 2011


Our word for inspiration at Take a Word this week is SEPIA and that reminded me of the very talented Miss Beatrice Bunter who had a passion for paint ... I only knew of Miss Beatrice by word of mouth of course .... I am not that old!

Miss Beatrice?  Well, you must draw your own conclusions!

Credit to Ruby Blossom, Finecrafted Design and Dover.

Thank you for looking.


  1. This is awesome and very sepia! Love the scene. :-)

  2. ooo Ann this is just fantabulous!!!!
    Love it!!!!!!!!!

    Jayne :-)

  3. Fabulous art piece Ann....awesome layout. The guy in the buff is another word for sepia, I believe...(smiles). Well done, as always. Hugs and a good day to you. Gayle

  4. Absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I love your work with this surreal touch! Wish I could make something like that! :O)

  5. I think I knew her nephew Billy Bunter, star of Boys' Own Annuals!! As for Ms Bunter, the droop of her eyelids perhaps explains the "therapeutic" aids she may have used to embark on her artistic journey!! A fantastic piece of surreal humour. As I have said before "don't know how your mind works - just glad that it does".

  6. I love your wicked sense of humour Ann! She has a very busy head, doesn't she? And the lady pretending to paint the couple, whilst ogling the nude on the stairs... well!! Love it!!

  7. Oh Ann, you do make me laugh! This is a fabulous collection of tongue-in-cheek--love the hunk on the staircase!

  8. So sepia ... so amazing ... so surreal! Such creativity, Ann!

  9. Your sense of quirk never ceases to amaze me, Ann. This is such an intriguing surreal piece, with all its quirky details. (I guess the guy on the stairs is rushing up to his room to get dressed?!)

  10. Miss Bea is having an art party in her head but keeping her eyes off that hunk on the staircase!?
    I always love your surreal art, Ann, and this is absolutely fabulous!

  11. Oh my dear this is just too wonderful definitely a candidate for double back flips and swap consideration...fantazmagorical Ann!!!

  12. wow!! i wish i had your imagination! fantastic!!!

  13. Hi dear ... I thought that google is working as a translator when you open my blog ...

    of you can not read the automatic translation by google chrome ...
    I will check what happened!

  14. ...and will she follow him up the stairway to ...., Ann, this is one of your best - standing ovation from me!!
    (She's taking them to get iPads - a requirement on a NZ school stationery list for next year!!)

  15. How many times have I complimented you on your fabulous sense of humor, Ann!!! Bravo, once again!!! BTW - this piece is brilliant in addition to being very clever!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  16. Oh my. First I see a naked man in your blog header, and now one is standing on the stairs. Models must make some good money! Great collage!

  17. I totaly missed this one and how could I !!!
    This is a piece to frame Ann.

  18. I almost missed seeing this, fabulous, you are the best!!


Thank you.