Tuesday 16 November 2010


It's Bev who is hosting our challenge at the Three Muses this week and she's chosen VEHICLES  as her theme.

As usual, I have no idea where this came from but it was insistent on being created and displayed and so who am I to argue ......... blame it on my Muse!  Don't you just love the elderly couple enjoying their afternoon watching the world go by?

Credit to Efie for some of the elements whilst the rest were my own (including the background) and the elderly couple who I encountered in a roadside park in Southport in Lancashire.

Thanks Bev for a brilliant challenge.

Thank you all for looking.


  1. I saw it on my sideboard and I'm sneakin a peak...this is fantastic Ann...I've said it before but your art is so awesome it just makes me want to stand up and cheer...so Hip Hip Hooray for you!!!

  2. This is such a enjoying image Ann.
    You have outdone yourself.

    I hope every one will ENLARGE it to discover al the small details. The second time I saw the car-mirror in the left corner !!

  3. Oh wow Ann this is so cool and great.
    Fantastic collage. Love the humor in it.

  4. Ann you have such a fabulous imagination! This is absolutely superbioso!!! Hugs x

  5. That rocks, thanks for the smile on my face, great collage.

  6. Waouuuu I really love your creation.
    Imaginative, creative and funny.
    Great great art.

  7. Ann, if you didn't make me smile, or even laugh, when I visit your blog I would be very disappointed!! This is 'classic' as they say here, so much to see, so much fun! Love the old couple & used to love Southport, too, but probably changed from when I was last there.

  8. Fabulous creation, Ann! Big "Standing O" for you!

  9. Oh Ann, what a lovely entry! Love everything about it but especially the older couple just sitting there watching the world go by. Bravo!!

  10. I would never challenge your muse, Ann. She takes you to the most delicious places! This is wondrous to behold. I love it...and the old couple observing it all are the perfect touch!

  11. I do love that old couple! Really a wonderful art piece, Ann.

  12. This is soooo good!! I just love the way that you come up with very different ideas.... luv it!!

  13. Oh Ann this is wonderful!!
    You just keep getting better and better,if only that couple could see themselves lol!!

    Jayne :-)

  14. This stunning, astonishing, colorful, vibrant, creative, out-of-the-square (and I could go on and on...). Marcel Duchamp would like it, don't you think?

  15. Hello Taluula, It's my second visit for this challenge and I really do love your creation!!
    If you are interesting by Mixed Media in France just have look here : http://www.pat-art-tras.com/article-au-pays-du-mixed-media-une-tres-grande-nouvelle-61187572.html
    I invite you to participate to the giveaway.
    Hope to see you soon

  16. i love surreal pictures!!
    (hope this comment goes through... it failed yesterday...)

  17. Wow, here we go again... Ann, the spaces and landscapes you create are so fantastic!

  18. There is so much to look at here and I love it all, Ann, especially the car mirror!

  19. What a magnificent flight of fancy - and fantasy!! Your pictures are always a feast for the eyes, Ann. There are so many tiny details to savour. For this the picture needs to be enlarged and time set aside so as not to miss anything. This is one of your very best - a stunning piece of art. Fantastic.

  20. This is wonderful like a happy dream! Colors, objects and all are great!

  21. This is very fantastic! I like it very much because there is so meny factor.


Thank you.