Sunday 21 November 2010


June is hosting this week's Take A Word challenge and has chosen MEN as her word. 

Now this got me thinking about Harold who has suffered from many illnesses in the medical dictionary and his poor long suffering wife Madge.  Madge in exasperation calls his latest ailment cold but Harold argues in favour of flu.    Mmmmmmm!

Any fellows out there who are thinking this is a classic case of sexism against the male of the species please accept my apologies if that is the impression I am giving ........  I only ask that you take a good long look at Harold before you condemn either Madge or myself.

I used figures from two separate pages of a book donated to the Free To Use section of Flickr by the very generous Digital Sextant.  I made this little scenario then gave it some colour in Photoshop and added a comment from Madge using the font : Persimmon.

Thanks for a great word June.

Thanks all for looking.


  1. You did a great job with this challenge. Men, ah, yes. Perfect!

  2. Thanks for my Sunday morning smile! How brilliant to bring these two images together. They're meant for each other! Great fun, Ann.

  3. Their looks say it all Ann! Great fun and lovely work.xx

  4. Oh my. Men just don't have a chance since women have taken over the world. Woops. You said this isn't a sexist piece. Okay. I'll take your word for it. :O) It's actually very cute! I also have either a cold or the flu today, so I appreciate Harold's dismay. My wife gives me that same look.

  5. Well done, Ann! No words are necessary - the expressions say it all!!! Brilliant! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Got a real laugh out of your piece, Ann, love their faces, wonderful entry!

  7. Hahaha I love it, very nice! Great work!
    Have a great week!

  8. Hey, this could be me and the Looming Presence!! Ann, your picture is priceless. I love it! Great imagination and artwork as always. Fantastic.

  9. Wonderfully expressive piece Ann- she definately looks like she rules the roost in this relationship. Thank you for your lovely comments!

  10. The expressions on these people are priceless Ann...I can see why you chose them...a great ode to the other half...Bravo!

    He reminds me of my favorite quote "The more I know of men the better I like my dog."

  11. This is hillarious...what perfect images to go with your "speak"...rofl. I think it is time for his 'flu' shot!!

  12. what a great combination of images! very fun and unique!!

  13. Ooh Yeh!!! it says it all!! Great Madge and Harold!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Great and funny piece, Ann. Thanks for the smile on my face!

  16. I think Harold is "playing it up"! Great art, Ann!

  17. This is brilliant, we all have a Harold in the family - mine's sat gripping the remote control but fast asleep lol x

  18. LOL!! Wonderful Ann,I know a few blokes like that!!

  19. Ha! I can totally relate to this =) Fantastic collage and the absolute perfect images ... wonderful piece!

  20. Wonderful! I laughed out loud!

  21. Wonderful, it really made me laugh

  22. Oh, the happy to and fro of marriage is so well expressed here! Hilarious! Poor Madge - she looks exasperated!


Thank you.