Tuesday 23 June 2009

Three Muses Challenge 3 - Wild Things

Bev is the host for the Three Muses this week and she's chosen Wild Things as the theme.

Mabel looks and dresses as a lady, but oh dear me, she has such a wild streak, just look at the thoughts going on in her head as she poses for the photographer.

Credit to Valerie Brincheck, Suzee Que and Artsyfartsyqueen.

The font is Prissy Frat Boy.

Thanks for looking.


  1. This is wonderful Ann. I love the way that you've so skillfully combined the images. Mabel has never looked more spectacular!

  2. LOL..this one is FUN Ann !!
    And that name MABEL !
    Do you know on which I had to think of when I saw that name ???
    Mabel Wisse Smit !
    She's married with our Prince Friso. ( The second son of our Queen Beatrix !)
    Haha. When she saw herself overhere I think she had to laugh hard out lout.
    What a fantastic entry Ann !!

  3. Woah!!!! Mabel's got some "stuff" going on!!!! Fresh AND funny AND creative - quintessentially YOU! Fabulous! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That Mabel has a wild streak a mild wide! I knew it the minute I looked at her. This page is great fun, Ann, and meticulously done. You have a wicked sense of humour!
    ** By the way, We had a temporary time blip, and next week's Sneak Peek was posted before I posted this week's challenge entry! Sorry. It's not Wednesday in my world yet!! Now that I know the blog is on UK time, I'll get with the program.

  6. I have been waiting so long for dear Mabel to reappear. Hey, we could match her up with my uncle (by marriage)! Your picture is fantastic, creative, clever and altogether an amazing Taluula one-off. No-one else's mind works like yours, Ann. Treat stuff.

  7. Thank you for this interpretation of the theme - yes, one can never tell from the looks of a person how wild she/he is inside!

  8. brilliant ,I love Mabel
    what a wonderful cheery creation and so clever

  9. Marie beat me to it, Ann, matchmaking your aunt & Marie's uncle! What a 'wild woman' she is! Such fun!

  10. This is a wonderful interpretation of the theme- Mabel looking wild indeed- beautiful work!

  11. WOW!!! Great!!! I can't say much more on account my poor vocabulary... But I'm smiling, Ann!!! LOVE it!!!

  12. Adorable,I think we all have some wild things running through our heads,Mabel is just alittle more obvious! Love the name too.

  13. This is great, Ann! I love the thoughts she's having. And this made me chuckle.

  14. Ooh i think Rosie and Mabel could be the best of friends if they should meet ! Gorgeous contribution :D

  15. Totally wonderful Ann, I love the humour and whole concept behind it, billiant! Everything else I had to say, has been said already anyway. Isn't it great that some of us are digi and others are paper, ink etc. artists? I just love the variety of work on this particular challenge blog

  16. I just love this...I had to laugh at al the wild thoughts this prim and proper lady is having! Your digital work is amazing on this!

  17. How funny, my grandmas name was Mabel, but she didnt have much of a wild side. Who knew?

  18. I love this! Very creative and fun! ~Lori

  19. Well, she and I think very much alike! hee hee I am a wild one just waiting to be revealed. This is gorgeous work - a magazine cover maybe! You're so clever!

  20. This is so clever. I really like how you used her hat and head to get all those wild images. Too cool.

  21. Mabel is truly wild this week! And thanks for the name of the font; I've got it on my computer now as you'll see on my entry.
    Ali xx

  22. very funny creation of wild things, love it.
    Hugs Anja

  23. Mabel is a fashionista! I love your art, girl. But, then you already know that.


  24. Oh, very wild lady indeed :D At least her thoughts are pretty wild! What a great idea you had and what a gorgeous way you did it!

  25. There is so much to see here and all of it fantastic!


Thank you.