Monday 22 June 2009

Theme Thursday - Beauty

Indybev is hosting the Theme Thursday challenge this week and her chosen theme is Beauty. Here is a very beautiful iconic woman who just says Beauty to me.

Thanks for the challenge Bev.

Credit to Marsha at Tumblefish Studios for the background image.

The finish on this is a posterize filter.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Yeah this is beautiful.
    I´m a fan of Marilyn. Just perfect.

  2. She was so beautiful...nice work! ~Lori

  3. I think this is one of your best, Ann! I love the softness of Marilyn posed against the texture of the brick wall. Gorgeous! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Very Beautiful! I love how you used the background, iconic also. You have such a perfect touch - perfect coloring and lighting. Great work!

    Thanks for dropping by (twice as nice!)

  5. Fantastic, Ann. I love how you have worked the brick wall in to the picture. It looks stunning.

  6. I didn't do this challenge but I'm so glad I saw this under your post for wildlife. It's such a lovely image you've created! Thanks for your kind words on my blog! :)


Thank you.