Tuesday 4 June 2024


 For the OurMidweekMuse (WINDOW) challenge.

Usually the view from my window (a week last Tuesday) is much more benign than this one.  But then my Muse decided it was time for something a little bit more shocking!

Credits : HolliewoodStudio, FinecraftedDesigns, Numbumm and the PublicDomain.


  1. Fabulously done but you're creeping me out babe... lol

  2. All of your artwork is so creative and beautiful; I love scrolling down your blog pages! The view from this kitty's window does not disappoint!

  3. Hi Ann, I had to take a short break this week. My head (migraine) got in the way again ... But your entry is simply FANTASTIC and a little bit spooky. ;-)
    I can only ever repeat myself: your work is always outstanding and in a class of its own
    Have a wondersul sunday evening!
    Sending mutsch sun on your way. It's spring-like here, but the temperatures are only between 16-18° again at the moment. But it's ok for my (and my head) ;-)))
    Warm greetings Katrin


Thank you.