Tuesday 14 November 2023


Our theme this week at Our Midweek Muse is MEMORIES and that made me think about the memories I cherish of spending Christmas with my family over the years.  Of being a parent and seeing the look of wonder on our children's faces showing us what Santa has left them on Christmas morning.  Of being a grand and great grandparent and enjoying that same wonder all over again when they arrive to exchange gifts.  And although no longer with us the memories of my parents who made Christmas magical for my brothers and sisters and me.  Lots and lots of special memories.

Image credits : a compilation of some of my own Christmas day celebrations , background (altered) GandTDesigns and the remainder from newly discovered DigiEyeArt.


  1. That is wonderful and so beautifully done...BRAVO my friend.

  2. Ohhh - sooo FAB!!! Christmas with the family - one of my favourite memories.
    Wish You good November-days. (Here in my corner it's gray and rainy ... bäääääääääh)
    Best wishes


Thank you.