Tuesday 6 June 2023


I couldn't make my mind up on this theme so here are a couple of the three or four I actually created!

The first one I unashamedly filched from the interwebby because I liked the idea of them making their getaway on a bicycle!

All other images are from MilesBeyondTheMoon.

There was I, waiting at the church
waiting at the church
waiting at the church
When I found he'd left me in the lurch
Lor, how it did upset me!
All at once, he sent me round a note
Here's the very note
This is what he wrote:
'Can't get away to marry you today
My wife won't let me!


  1. Both of these are treasures Ann, I love them and the poem too.

  2. Hi Ann,
    I like both. The first is simply brilliant. Another version of "just married" with a lots of tin cans on the car. ;-))))
    Ans the econd: uuuuuhhhhhh - I don't know WHAT I would do in this situation. I think the avenging angel in me would awaken...
    I really couldn't think of anything to say on the subject, sorry. So I'm going to sit this one out ;-)
    Warm greetings

  3. LOL. Luv them both

    Mine is HERE
    Happy Wednesday



Thank you.