Tuesday 11 April 2023



It's the MALE OF THE SPECIES at the Our Midweek Muse challenge this week ... and that reminded me of my great great Uncle Willie who was one of my more 'colourful' ancestors.  He was always eccentric and never married but one day he said he was going out for a walk and never came back.  We found out much later that whilst out walking he came upon a bearded lady and ran off with her to join the circus!! 



  1. I don't know Ann, Great Uncle Willie looks pretty sketchy to me. Great job on this and making him look respectable.

    P.S. I got a letter from our dear friend Sim today it doesn't look like she will be coming back. She has a lot on her plate right now but she is doing well. It was so good to hear from her.

  2. Hi Ann, I am fascinated every week by your wealth of ideas.
    Once again this week you've done an excellent job of standing out from the crowd.
    Send you sunny and best regards Katrin


Thank you.