Monday 13 July 2020


Our word for inspiration at Take A Word this week is RUSTY and that reminded me of this rusty old car I saw recently ... so I prettied it up a bit with a few flowers and eye think that did the trick!

Credits : mainly the PublicDomain with a little help from SharingTubes and Itkupilli.

Thank you for looking and taking the time to comment.


  1. Bravo this is marvelous...well done.

  2. U love the sunflowers on the fender of this old beauty. Every time I see an old rusty vehicle in the midst of a field somewhere, I wonder at how they came to be in that particular spot, and who parked them there. Did they know it was to be the final resting place?? Does it have fond memories for someone, so they leave sunflowers on the fender? It makes me want to write a story about it!

  3. Especially love the headlights...makes me smile!

  4. Rusty indeed! There is nice sad feel. Well done.

  5. So unique, as usual, dear Ann!
    Great rusty car, with so special eyes!
    I do love the way your mind works.
    And I would like to reed a story by Bev about this image and all the evocations she could imagine to illustrate it...

  6. So imaginative and wonderful-you always have a brilliant surprise in your artwork!


Thank you.