Tuesday 29 August 2017


We have MAIL ART with a theme of WISH YOU WERE HERE at the Three Muses this week and that reminded me of a postcard I received a while ago from Mabel which I thought you might like to see.

This was typical of the holiday taken during the 1950s when places of work closed down en masse for a fortnight in July and the workers made a mass exodus by bus or train to the seaside for a few days. They mostly stayed in 'lodging houses' where they were either provided with bed, breakfast and evening meal or where they provided their own food which was then cooked and served by the landlady. These guests were turned out after breakfast and were not allowed back into their rooms until late afternoon .... rain or shine.  Everyone had a ride on a donkey, ate an ice cream or too, ate fish and chips, bought rock to take home and many bought their own Kiss Me Quick hats too. Everyone sent postcards to their nearest and dearest and many had a good tale to tell!  :D

Credit to TumblefishStudio and to Mabel!

Thank you for looking.


  1. Outstanding art, and a fun description of what used to be. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, Ann!

  2. Well, another fun and perfectly put together art piece!

  3. Who ever thought I would fall in love with a fish he is hysterical... fantastic postcard too.

  4. What a great ART dear Ann! Dali is never far...
    Each time ,I come here, I'm in awe!
    Your words made me travel, and I learned what Kiss Me Quick hats* are,thanks to you!

    *I googled image! :)

  5. Very colourful and humours. Great art entry.

  6. That's a wonderful card to receive in your mailbox! Nice to read the story.

  7. Always get a kick out of the vintage bathing suits... you put this together wonderfully!

  8. this is a perfect postcard, totally joyous! xo


Thank you.