Monday 10 October 2016


There's a call for WINDOWS or DOORS at the Three Muses this week and that reminded me of this strange scene I thought you might enjoy!

I will be away this week on yet another little trip.  Yes, I know ... lots and lots of holidays.  This time we're traveling up to south west Scotland for a few days and then across the country to visit a couple of ancient Northumbrian towns and castles before traveling home at the weekend hopefully with a camera full of photos.

Credits to JoesSistah and Granny Art.

Thank you for looking.


  1. So cool I love the clown looking in the window as long as it's not

  2. Great inspiration piece. Ironically, there have been "clown" incidents in my home state of Connecticut, so now even Ronald McDonald is eliminating appearances. (I'm not sure what the incidents are, but I think people dressed as clowns are terrorizing children/people, which is very mean. Clowns are scary to begin with.)

  3. Yes, even in far flung Perth, Western Australia, the clowns are making mischief. Yours are much user friendly. A lovely, bright and whimsical piece of art. I love it.


Thank you.