Tuesday 17 May 2016


It's TRANSPORT at the Three Muses this week and that reminded me of what I glimpsed from my bedroom window a week last Tuesday.  I know you won't believe me [me doing a gallic shrug or as we call it at our house a garlic shrug] and you don't have to believe me if you don't want.  

Anyway, along comes this bird, quite a big bird, and shiny black.  He,  because I'm sure it was a he, even though he was wearing stripy stockings and high heeled stripy shoes was carrying a white birdcage and on his back (I tell no lies) sat a gentlemen bearing a bunch of red flowers!

I'd have loved to know where he was going .......

Credits HoneyDesigns for the gentleman whilst  the rest is in the Public Domain.

And for those who prefer something less wacky.    A photo I took in Germany a couple of years ago.  There it was, the bike, just propped up on its little 'proppy thing' in an alleyway with the light streaming through creating a wonderful reflection ... and I couldn't resist.   I gave it a little iPhone treatment and here it is.

Thank you for looking.


  1. How in the world can an artist have such beautiful and exzentric ideas and also have contact with me via my blog - I am a Glückskind! P.

  2. There you go again blowing my mind with your art...of coarse I adore your whimsy but your serious side is lovely and quietly touching...EXCELLENT.

  3. I love your wonderful surreal nonsense, and thank you for sharing the photo ofhte bicycle. Each is special in its own way!

  4. Both are brilliant in artistry and creative thought! Always a joy!

  5. One wacky, one sublime. Thanks for both.

  6. Wow! I love both pictures - the witty and clever surreal and the gorgeously grungy altered photo. Love the look of it which is more painterly than photographic. Brilliant.

    Apologies for all the hoo haa with the linky. I have a plan for next time which I think will be foolproof.

  7. I really like them both, Ann! Well done!

  8. Both art works are marvellous. My favorit is the first fabulous surreal composition.
    Hugs Anja

  9. oh, i love the wacky! the long legged zetti bird is just my style...cool!!

  10. I love the wacky one, but the photo, oh, it's wonderful.


Thank you.