Sunday 15 May 2016


I've been swanning around Italy but back to real life now which has made me very, very late for this week's BATHING BEAUTIES challenge at the Three Muses!  The weather was good but not yet warm enough for a dip in the sea ... or the lake for that matter but no matter as here's a very Zetti beauty who just can't wait to dip her toes in the sea.

Credit to Tumblefish Studio and the Public Domain.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Love this piece. Its fun and fabulous!!

  2. Looking good, girl, amazing what a holiday can do for you, Ann!!!!! LOL
    Hope you had a good one!!

  3. Nearly missed this one! She's gorgeous. A bathing beauty extraordinaire! So good to see you back at the computer, Ann.


Thank you.