Tuesday 5 April 2016


STEAMPUNK HATS is the theme at the Three Muses this week and that reminded me of my college days and Miss Isabella Pink, my art teacher.  She wore very large spectacles, chains regularly dangled from nose to ear, and she had a preoccupation with timepieces.  I remember she liked hats, sometimes very strange hats.  On occasion even STEAMPUNK HATS .... and her head was always in the clouds.

Thank you for looking and if you want to see more steampunk hats then why not pop along to The Three Muses.

Credits - all images are in the public domain.


  1. This is perfect! I also had a very quirky art teacher...I loved her...she taught me the value of day-dreaming and the importance of celebrating our own "personal weirdness". I will always remember her fondly.

    I love the blend of old and new technology in your piece, clever♥

  2. Very cool Ann I love it especially all the great funky details...except for the cool nose chain I have a cold and the thought of a nose chain...enough said. Anyway a big standing Ovation from me.

  3. EXCEPTIONAL! This is one of your very best. The nose chain and the spider in the eye make me a bit nervous, however! Absolutely spot on perfection, Ann!

  4. I' waving the flag for your piece, Ann, (but not the new NZ one they voted NO!) Love all the quirky elements, especially the nose chain and the Punch & Judy show!!

  5. She's gorgeous, Ann. Wonderful details with a touch of whimsy. Awesome steampunk.

  6. This is magnificent piece of Art. I have been away so just got back. So I will pass on this for myself. I have a lot of appointments this month.


Thank you.