Sunday 27 March 2016


Take a Word has asked for BUTTERFLIES this week and that reminded me of the lovely lilies I received from Daughter No 1 earlier which were so magnificent I spent some considerable time capturing them in photographs.   I loved their almost overpowering perfume and the wondrous texture and milky colour of the petals and knew that there would little that could enhance their beauty ... other than a butterfly perhaps!

 Thank you for the challenge, Marie.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Spectacular lilies and an even more spectacular treatment of them, Ann. Love how you have transformed a photo into an oil painting. The brightly coloured butterfly is the icing on the cake with perfect light effect to show it off. Bravo.

  2. A beautiful way to feature the lilies, and yet draw the eye to the delicate butterfly. Gorgeous work, Ann!

  3. Lovely, Ann. The flowers look amazing!

  4. Love the 'special effects' you have given the lilies, Ann, even better when I zoomed in, the butterfly adds a colourful splash!!
    (I wonder what tomorrow will bring, friend!!!)

  5. Yes, they look even better enlarged...

  6. What an elegant and beautiful butterfly creation.


Thank you.