Tuesday 22 December 2015


This week at the Three Muses our challenge is to 'mess up a master' or in other words to ALTER A MASTERPIECE which I was just about to do when I saw her sitting there!  I show my ignorance I know when I say I've no idea who she is or which great master painted her but I'm sure he would be shocked to see her now.  There she sits bare feet dangling, drinking a second bottle of wine (just look at the size of that glass) and worst of all smoking what looks very much like a spliff!!!!  If truth be told I'd say that blond is NOT her natural colour either and those eyelashes ... well what can I say!

Still as soon as I saw her I knew there wouldn't be any need to go to the bother of altering anyone's masterpiece,  I took her photograph instead.

Credits : RubyBlossom supplied the backdrop, NumbBumm the golden frame.  The very wanton woman is courtesy of Dover, whilst the rest I filched from the interwebby.

Merry Christmas and thanks for looking


  1. A wanton masterpiece for sure! LOL!

    Here's the link to mine. So much fun .... I did two. http://emptyatticart.blogspot.com/2015/12/altered-masterpeices.html

  2. Cheers to you, too, Ann, what a wild woman, very decadent so superbly done!!

  3. Party on- she looks like she'll skip Christmas and go straight to New Year's eve- wild and wonderful Ann!

  4. You may have made her a wild woman but she's still gorgeous...great makeover Ann.

  5. You must have chuckled all the way through the creation of this masterpiece, Ann. She's a priceless tart, if ever I saw one!


  6. cheeky good!
    Herzlich Pippa


Thank you.