Tuesday 13 May 2014


There I was minding my own business when I was contacted by a 'certain person' who required a new postage stamp and asked me to design it!

Well, I was delighted of course, and set to work immediately .. and I couldn't believe my good luck as Bev had chosen POSTAGE PEOPLE that very week as her theme at the Three Muses too.

Credit to FinecraftedDesigns and PublicDomainPhotos and with a little help from my own stash.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Ooooooh Ann, this is such a british idea!
    I love the way you've done this regal job!
    Very smart, uncluttered and striking presentation of this wonderful new collector's stamp.

  2. How clever and beautiful - and fun! I love Your Majesty and even more her Gorgies;) Superb!

  3. This is fantastic Ann I adore your homemade stamp and how fabulous it looks with your picture...was it planned that the 3M's would all make "Head Stamps" or was that a coincidence? Anyway they are very cool.

  4. Well, how fortuitous! Whatever brought about this sterling example of stamp art, I'm all for it!!! Her majesty is stunning!!

  5. Lovely! You are so kind that made ​​sure to give Her Majesty a leaner and taller body!

  6. 'By Royal Appointment,' eh, what!!! You will have to have the appropriate 'crest' as your header from now on, Ann, spectacular in a majestic way, of course!

  7. WOW! Fantastic! You always come up with something incredible! xxx

  8. Royalty should always be memorialized with a stamp. Congratulations on the appointment!

  9. Brilliant piece of art...worthy of a royal congratulations! Love the Corgies as well! xoxox

  10. Prince William Grandson would say. Well done. She looks pretty smart for her age 80 something.

    Great piece of art..

  11. This is fantastic! Sorry to be so late on commenting.


Thank you.