Sunday 1 December 2013



We have TWO as our word for inspiration this week at Take a Word and that reminded me of the two little problems I encountered recently. 

There is a room in our house we don't advise you to enter.  It has a notice : PLEASE DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR and just to be doubly sure we keep it locked and chained at all times.  But a week last Tuesday I heard noises, a sort of creaking and soft shuffling and the odd cough, which prompted me to investigate.  Slipping out of the house I peeped into the window of the forbidden room and sure enough the door was ajar and the mad uncles were looking right back out at me.  I couldn't be sure but I think they had been shopping for new hats!

Credit to MartaVanEck.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Aargh! Not going into that room under any circumstances! Fabulous work, Ann.

  2. I want to to go in that room he he he what surprises will be waiting for me?I'm curious!This is gorgeous, Ann!

  3. I was glad that your twins were not identical. Two minds think alike .Either were mine. Or perhaps yours were not to be.

    Your art work is fabulous as always. Thumbs up.

    My entry is in today. Top in my blog.

  4. What a pair of mad uncles. Could it be the one on the left has the right eye of the one on the right in his fist? Hmmm What a puzzlement! Fun and quirky, Ann!!!

  5. Mad Yorkshire men, Ann, I love the madness!!

  6. It's soooo cool you have a pair of mad steampunk uncles! It wasn't enough that you have the weirdest neighbors ever?

  7. These guys look familiar like I may have dated them in high school...this is hilarious Ann love your Steampunk uncles.

  8. You've given us a big smile to start the week. I love those red face whiskers and the whole effect is wonderful. Your steampunk uncles are a great pair.

  9. i love your wild imagination! i would give them a room in our house, too;)

  10. Love your post - nice to see men in art. I should make a not of it, I do have four men in my household so I do have pictures I could use.

  11. Wow what an imagination you have Ann love your story and your steampunk uncles are so wonderfully made.

  12. A fantastic tale to go with a fantastic picture! xx

  13. Hahaha, what a cool story, love the funny idea and realization of your imagination. Wonderful art work!
    Big hugs Anja

  14. Yikes! Two uncles with red beards hidden away in a locked room. I think I'd have to move! Wonderful fun!


Thank you.