Tuesday 27 August 2013



We have ARTIST AFFIRMATION as our theme this week at the Three Muses and Bill is our host.
Thank you, Bill, for a great challenge.

Credit to NumbBumm, Miss Honey, Caroline at Sharing Tubes and The Urban Fairy.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Wow! What a masterpiece. I am taking my time to experience your inspirations! Johnny Depp, of course, to add some (snicker) spice, a shot of sugar via the Coca Cola for energy, new specs to celebrate your vastly improved eyesight, the whirl of creative activity that goes on in your head and Little Ann, the child, overseeing it all. Fantastic.

  2. This is totally mad, mad! - in a good way, of course. I love the little girl peering in from the top (you?) and of course cats can sit anywhere (that they want to, that is). I've looked at this four times now, what a cornucopia of art.

  3. Hoooo dear Ann, you lose your head!
    Or is it Johnny?!Hahaha!
    You're rignt, it's what we have to do! :D
    All these eyes looking at us are very impressive.
    I'm fond of your art and I'm fan of you my friend!

  4. This is hilarious Ann and fabulous as always...I love how you sneaked Johnny in there and I see someone else has lost her lost her head over him too...well done my friend.

  5. You are so creative. I always enjoy visiting your blog to see your fabulous art works.

  6. So awesome! That eye was totally unexpected. The perfect affirmation for an artist! Evidently Johnny inspires you. :O)

  7. You know I have never liked Descartes' philosophical proposition: "I think,therefore I am". When I was in high school, I kept thinking " I am what Descartes? ". This Cogito Ergo Sum thing is awful. But " I create, therefore I am" is amazing.Descartes'first person perspective is so polemical but the moment we use our minds to create, some other possibilies are created and the act of thinking is something magical.I am sorry for this bla-bla-bla but your work is food for thought as usual, my friend.It's good to be here!

  8. "Eye,' Ann I can SEE you looking down on one of your gems, love the eye with circling words!!
    So pleased your op went well!

  9. Yes my thought:"I create, so I am!" Wonderful creative composition, love all elements. I discover just Jonny Depp, what a fun, great applause. Visiting your blog is always a great inspiration.
    Admirable greetings,

  10. Love your sense of humor, Ann...also love the creative way you expressed your affirmation...in a circle!! Beautiful!!

  11. Love your sense of humor, Ann...also love the creative way you expressed your affirmation...in a circle!! Beautiful!!

  12. You always had a surprise somewhere, Ann. This is awesome! You are definitely my digital art hero!


Thank you.