Tuesday 26 February 2013



It's a nithering 5 degrees here in Yorkshire, damp and cloudy, but at least the snow has gone.   Once or twice in the last few days the sun has ventured out, there are tiny purple flowers sprouting in the heather and the birds are busy looking for places to nest .... hopefully there's a  RUSTLE OF SPRING in the air.  Oh, I hope so.

Thanks, Marie, for this week's theme.

Credit to CAJoline for the family, the flowering cherry, the sunshade and the birds, and to HolliewoodStudios for the curtains.  The background was from the interwebby.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Wouaouh, THAT is springy indeed dear Ann!
    I hope you'll have sunny days soon, and I can see that, waiting for them, you're making wonderful creations! :)
    Bravo for this beautiful one!!

  2. Oh yes green meadows, soft blossoms and a light blue sky, you catch the spring feeling perfect, I love your amazing peaceful scenery.Great art work!
    Hugs Anja

  3. Voilà une bien belle image qui donne vraiment l'envie de changer de saison !
    C'est bien tentant !
    Bravo !
    Amicalement mary.kg

  4. What a gorgeous and inviting scene. Coming from a place where there are no real demarcations between the seasons, it's nice to imagine what spring must be like after a long, cold winter. (Hey Ann, I am hosting this week!!)

  5. That scene is idylic, I want to be sitting there having a picnic (granted not in 5c temperatures)
    Seriously great work

  6. What a fine scene for a cold wintry night, I'll just turn the heating off. It's idyllic.

  7. What a beautiful scene and I too want to be there- fantastic vision Ann

  8. Truly lovely setting....wish it were outside my door. Sure beats the snow. Love it.

  9. Oh what a glorious breath of Spring, Ann! Much needed, I might add! Beautiful work.

  10. I'm ankle deep in snow this is a sight for sore eyes my dear...beautiful work Ann!

  11. I can't wait to be able to sit outside in a beautiful spring breeze drinking coffee. A very refreshing collage! We're in the middle of a snow storm here.

  12. it would be perfect to sit here... i would gladly tolerate the insects for a little sunshiny picnic;)

  13. Oh let's havce a pic-nic Ann! It looks just perfect! xx

  14. My father used to say he was "fair nithered"! I haven't heard that term for a while. Thank you for taking me back to Yorkshire. Tea on the grass with sunshine...a bucolic dream! It brightened my day.xx

  15. What a sweet scene. I went out without my shoes a few days ago and nearly froze my feet off!


Thank you.