Tuesday 16 October 2012



I confess I am not usually even slightly moved to participate in Halloween type art so imagine my surprise when this VINTAGE themed piece turned out to be just that ...... trick or treat ..... the lot.

I wonder, is there some medication I could take?

Thank you, Bev, for a lovely theme.

Credit  to Shadowhouse Creations, Hidden Vintage and Finecrafted Designs.

Thank you for looking.


  1. I love this one, Ann. It's vintage for sure, but it's Halloween quirk to boot. What more could we ask?!?!

  2. Love the canvassy look, Ann. Gorgeous vintage - and you are forgiven for adding the tiniest piece of Halloween to it. Why not?

  3. I have nothing with halloween but dark art speaks to me...and this piece represents that too. My compliments about the use of Jerry texures as well Ann !!

  4. Ann,
    As always you have designed a really cool piece of art. I love it. I'm a BIG Autumn and Halloween fan, adding the vintage to it is the Bees Knees.
    Oh, if you're looking for a cure, just eat three pieces of your favorite bite sized chocolate candies. Works for me.

  5. This is the most elegant Halloween card I've ever seen. LOVE IT!

  6. Really unique and delightful, love the background with texture and the darkling sepia color below, sister and brother are so cute, love the cone hat.

  7. Quels enfants sages et sérieux pour ce challenge qui illustre aussi bien également Halloween! Amicalement Mary.kg

  8. That 'charming child' on the left looks as if she is about to cast a spell on you on, Ann, great choice of images, love the texture, too!
    (I'm not into Halloween either, but it allows me to venture to the 'darkside' - easy 'cos thats where I'm from!! LOL)

  9. this is so cute and what a wonderful texture. I don't " do " halloween either but sometimes you're just drawn to it.

  10. I recommend candy corn! This is a wonderful Halloween piece!

  11. I love the texture and colours in this.

  12. I was going to suggest a Dairy Flake, but Kaylene got it right. I love what you did. Great texture.xx

  13. So sweet and vintage...and in the spirit of the season. Beautiful, Ann!!

  14. great piece and I love the subtle text on 'trick or treat'

  15. i love the canvas texture and the softness of the text.

  16. Hahaha! Halloween may be fun sometimes Ann!
    Your imagery is splendid & the texture is great!
    I love it! :)
    (I feel a little bit better, thank you for your concern dear friend!)

  17. This is so simple and so awesome...the list, the list, get the list!

  18. You don't need medication, you need CANDY hahahahaha!


Thank you.